- It is a great undertaking to introduce and popularize the direct democratic election of villagers committee cadres among the 900 million Chinese farmers. 在中國農村九億農民中推行直接民主選舉村委會(huì )干部,是一項偉大的事業(yè)。
- We must accept the result of a democratic election. 我們必須接受民主選舉的結果。
- Such cases are likely to occur even after democratic election. 在實(shí)行民選之后,這種現象還有可能發(fā)生。
- The ever-widening introduction and improvement of the democratic election of villagers committees in rural areas has put the fate of millions of village committee cadres truly in the hands of the majority of farmers. 農村村委會(huì )民主選舉的推行及其不斷完善,使數百萬(wàn)村委會(huì )干部的去留,真正按照絕大多數農民的意愿決定。
- Democratic election and public opinion supervision help curb corruption. 民主選舉和輿論監督都有利于抑制腐敗。
- The Democratic election victory in November 1976 greatly affected United States science policy. 1976年11月民主黨在選舉中的勝利極大地影響了美國的科技政策。
- Via democratic election, the second session presidium of Shanghai FASCO Communist Youth League came into birth. 大會(huì )通過(guò)民主選舉,產(chǎn)生了共青團上海外航服務(wù)公司第二屆委員會(huì )。
- Statute Law was actualized firstly in Japan in 1889, and the modern democratic election system was established. 1889年,日本在非西方國家中第一個(gè)實(shí)施了成文憲法,并據此建立了近代民主選舉制度。
- Representatives of staff and workers on the board of directors are chosen by the company's staff and workers by democratic election. 董事會(huì )中的職工代表由公司職工民主選舉產(chǎn)生。
- Representatives of the staff and workers on the supervisory committee are chosen by the company's staff and workers by democratic election. 監事會(huì )中的職工代表由公司職工民主選舉產(chǎn)生。
- Seting up relation should have been at democratic election, democratic decision-makings, democratic managements and democratic supervision. 建立民主化的黨政關(guān)系應該從民主選舉、民主決策、民主管理和民主監督這四個(gè)方面進(jìn)行努力。
- The President reaffirmed his commitment to democratic elections. 總統重申了他對民主選舉的承諾。
- The democratic election system for villagers committees is closely integrated with the systems of democratic decision-making,democratic administration and democratic supervision. 農村村民委員會(huì )的民主選舉制度與民主決策、民主管理、民主監督籌制度緊密結合。
- It is also essential to ensure the democratic rights of the workers and peasants,including the rights of democratic election,management and supervision. 同樣,要切實(shí)保障工人農民個(gè)人的民主權利,包括民主選舉、民主管理和民主監督。
- This testifies to the unswerving resolution of the Chinese government in pressing ahead with the democratic election of villagers committees across the rural areas. 這表明中國政府推進(jìn)農村村委會(huì )民主選舉的決心是堅定不移的。
- It is also essential to ensure the democratic rights of the workers and peasants, including the rights of democratic election, management and supervision. 同樣,要切實(shí)保障工人農民個(gè)人的民主權利,包括民主選舉、民主管理和民主監督。
- National People's Congress and local people's congresses at all levels are formed through democratic election to the people and subject to the supervision of the people. 全國人民代表大會(huì )和地方各級人民代表大會(huì )都由民主選舉產(chǎn)生,對人民負責,受人民監督。
- Building democratic politics at the grass-roots level in rural areas with democratic election,decision-making,administration and supervision as the basic contents has been promoted in an all- round way,and developed steadily. 以民主選舉、民主決策、民主管理和民主監督為基本內容的農村基層民主政治建設全面推進(jìn),穩步發(fā)展。
- That's what I've learnt from the local cadres. 這是我從當地干部那里了解到的情況。
- The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 這位民主黨人在選舉中意外地擊敗了州長(cháng)。