
[d?'s??n]     [d?'s??n]    
  • n. 決定;決心;判決
decisional decisioned decisioned decisioning decisions



n. (名詞)
  1. 決心,決定,作決定
  2. 決議
  3. 判決
  4. 判斷,決斷,決策,決斷力
  5. 果斷,堅決
  6. 結論,結果
  7. 【美拳】裁判
  8. 抉擇
  9. 決定或照決定行動(dòng)的能力


n. (名詞)
  1. [C][U]決定,決心,判斷 a choice or judgment; an act of deciding
  2. [U]果斷,堅決 the quality of being able to make choices or judgments quickly and to act on them with firmness; resolution
  3. [C]決議,結果 resolution


  1. the act of making up your mind about something;

    "the burden of decision was his"
    "he drew his conclusions quickly"

  2. a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration;

    "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"
    "his conclusion took the evidence into account"
    "satisfied with the panel's determination"

  3. (boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred;

    "had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent"

  4. the outcome of a game or contest;

    "the team dropped three decisions in a row"

  5. the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose;

    "a man of unusual decisiveness"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I don't think his decision is wise in reality.
  2. We can' t reach a decision without our chairman.
  3. All is dependent on your decision.
  4. The judge will give his decision tomorrow.


用作名詞 (n.)
accept the/sb's decision
    接受…決定〔判定〕 agreed to the decision
affect one's decision
    影響某人的決定 influence one's decision
against the decision
    反對(某一)決定 against an action
applaud one's decision
    贊許…的決定 agree to one's decision
approve of one's decision
    贊成某人的決定 agree to one's decision
arrive at a decision
    達成一項決議 reach a decision
come to the decision
    作出決定 make the decision
delay one's decision
    推遲決定(實(shí)施) postpone one's decision
give one's decision
    作出決定 reach a decision
hand down one's decision
    作出判決 judge the decision
hang on sb's decision
    取決于…決定 be decided by
hit out at sb's decisions
    猛烈抨擊其決定 critic the decision
hold off one's decision
    遲遲不做決定 postpone the decision
hold to one's decision
    堅持決定 resist one's decision
influence sb's decision
    影響決定 affect one's decision
make a decision
    作出決定 give a decision
proceed the decisions
    導致…結果 come to the decision
reach a decision
    作出決定 give a decision
recall one's decision
    撤銷(xiāo)決定 cancel one's decision
reconsider the/one's decision
    重新考慮其決定 think the decision again
the result of one's decision
    作出決定的理由 the reason of one's decision


用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The two umpires shall then elect a referee, whose decision shall be final.

    出自: G. B. Shaw
  • They appealed the juvenile court decision.

    出自:New Society
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