
[de?]     [de?]    
  • n. 白天;一天;時代



n. (名詞)
  1. 白晝,白天
  2. 時代,時期
  3. 工作日,一天,日,一日
  4. 節日
  5. 黎明
  6. 全盛時期,成名時期
  7. 日復一日,一天又一天,過一天算一天
  8. 天天
  9. 競賽
  10. 戰斗
  11. 勝利
  12. 特定日
  13. 中國姓氏戴、代的音譯
v. (動詞)
  1. 交由仲裁,由仲裁決定


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]一天,一日 a period of 24 hours
  2. [C][U]日間,白天 the time between sunrise and sunset
  3. [C]工作日 a period of work within a 24-hour period
  4. [P]時期; 時代; 壽命 a particular period or point of time; one's life
  5. [S]全盛時期,黃金時代 a period of success or fame


  1. time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis;

    "two days later they left"
    "they put on two performances every day"
    "there are 30,000 passengers per day"

  2. some point or period in time;

    "it should arrive any day now"
    "after that day she never trusted him again"
    "those were the days"
    "these days it is not unusual"

  3. a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance;

    "Mother's Day"

  4. the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside;

    "the dawn turned night into day"
    "it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime"

  5. the recurring hours when you are not sleeping (especially those when you are working);

    "my day began early this morning"
    "it was a busy day on the stock exchange"
    "she called it a day and went to bed"

  6. an era of existence or influence;

    "in the day of the dinosaurs"
    "in the days of the Roman Empire"
    "in the days of sailing ships"
    "he was a successful pianist in his day"

  7. the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis;

    "how long is a day on Jupiter?"

  8. the time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar day

  9. a period of opportunity;

    "he deserves his day in court"
    "every dog has his day"

  10. United States writer best known for his autobiographical works (1874-1935)



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Owls sleep by day and work at night.
  2. There will be occasional showers during the day.
  3. He is seldom at home during the day.
  4. You can see stars by night, but not by day.
  5. He has been working all day.
  6. The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun.
  7. The milkman comes every other day.
  8. He is the man of the day.
  9. He was a great singer once but now he's had his day.


用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The attack occurred six days ago.
  2. How many days are there in a week?
  3. Next day he found they had arranged to go by train to Beijing.
  4. The trial lasted for ten consecutive days.
  5. The day she entered college was a big day for her.
  6. He was in the public eye these days.
  7. The days are getting longer in summer.
  8. The exhibition will be opened day and evening.
  9. They have done a good day's work.
  10. We are paid by the day.
  11. She works an 8-hour day and a 5-day week.
  12. The boy was paid two dollars a day.
  13. We took three days to paint the house.
  14. Christmas Day was a Wednesday this year.
  15. In my day, things were different.
  16. In those days we often went short of food and clothing.
  17. They lived in want in those days.
  18. They were often buried in memories of the past in those days.
  19. The distance between the two cities was in those days too great to permit of frequent contact.
  20. His days are numbered.
  21. Your day will come.
  22. The day is doubtful.
  23. They have lost the day.


用作名詞 (n.)
all day (long)
    整天,天天 all the time
all in a day's work
    無非是日常生活的一部分 within one's duties
any day (of the week)
    不論怎樣 at any time
as happy as the day is long
    非??鞓?very happy
black day
    不吉利的日子 bad event
by day
    白天 daytime
call it a day
    收工 stop the work
carry the day
    獲勝 win
dark days
    苦難歲月 troubled times
day after day
    一天又一天地,日復一日地 continuously for many days
day and night
    夜以繼日地; 日夜 all the time
day by day
    一天天地,逐日 one day after another day
day dream
    白日夢 losing oneself in one's imagination
day in and day out〔day in, day out〕
    天天地,每天地 as each day comes in or goes out
day of reckoning
    報應來臨的日子 time when one has to account for past actions
days of yore
    昔時 in historical times
days to come
    將來 the future
every dog has its day
    凡人皆有得意日 eventually everyone achieves success
fall on evil days
    遭遇不幸 suffer unfortunate circumstances
for days on end
    接連數日 for many consecutive days
from day to day
    天天,日復一日 as time progresses
from one day to the next
    短期內 in short time
good old days
    過去美好的日子 earlier times remembered with fondness
have one's day
    走運; 全盛時期 have a time when one is prosperous or successful
have seen better days
    已過鼎盛時期; 已不好用 be past its best; have outlived its usefulness
make a day of it
    玩它一整天 spend all day doing sth enjoyable
make sb's day
    使某人的一天生色 give sb a welcome surprise
name the day
    宣布婚禮的日期 announce the date of a forthcoming wedding
new day
    新的開端 new beginning
not one's day
    不順心的日子 time when things do not go as planned
not to have all day
    時間有限 have only a limited time
off day
    感到身體不舒服的日子 day when things do not go well
old days
    從前 distant past
one day
    一天; (將來有)一日 some day
one's days are numbered
    某人的末日來臨了 one's time is limited
save the day
    反敗為勝; 轉危為安 prevent a failure
that will be the day
    〈口〉那樣的事永遠等不來 that is very unlikely
the other day
    不久前 one day recently
to a/the day
    一天也不差 exact in the number of time
to this day
    直到今天; 至今 until now


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The longest day is equall to the longest night.

    出自: N. Carpenter
  • The day was overcast and drippy.

    出自: S. King



n. (名詞)
  1. day的基本意思是“一天”,指二十四小時長的一段時間,是可數名詞。也可指“日間,白天”,既可用作可數名詞,又可用作不可數名詞,通常不加冠詞。
  2. day也可表示“工作日”,指一天二十四小時之內的工作時間,是可數名詞。
  3. day還可作“時期; 時代; 壽命”解,常用復數形式,若用單數常須與my, their等物主代詞連用。
  4. day還有“全盛時期,黃金時代”的意思,是單數名詞,不用于復數形式。
  5. day間或表示“勝利,競爭,戰斗”,是不可數名詞,前面接定冠詞。
  6. Day常用在表示法定的或宗教節日的短語中,其前不加冠詞。
  7. day可用作量詞, a day可表示“每天”。


n. (名詞)
save a day, save the day
  • save a day的意思是“省了一天的時間”, save the day的意思則是“反敗為勝,轉危為安”。例如:
  • We saved a day by taking a plane there.我們乘飛機去那里,因而節省了一天的時間。
  • The team was behind, but at the last minute Tom saved the day with a touchdown.這支球隊一直落后,然而在最后的時刻湯姆一次底線得分使球隊反敗為勝。
  • by day, by the day
  • 前者意思是“在白天”; 而后者意思是“按日計算”。例如:
  • We travelled by day and stayed at inns at night.我們白天旅行,晚上住在客棧。
  • In some countries, most of the workers get their pay by the day.在某些國家里,大部分工人是按日計酬的。
  • of a day, of the day
  • 前者意思是“短促”; 而后者意思是“當時,當代”。例如:
  • It is nothing than a stuff of a day.這無非是曇花一現而已。
  • It was a twice-told tale of the day.這便是當時傳誦一時的老話題。
  • day after day, day by day
  • 這兩個短語意義和用法都不相同。其區別是:
  • by day在句中用作副詞,作狀語; 而day after day除用作狀語外,還可用作主語、賓語等。
  • after day的意思是“每天,天天”,表示動作的重復和時間的長久,強調連續性; 而day by day含有“逐漸轉變”的意味,常和turn, grow, change等含有轉變意義的動詞連用。
  • every day, daily
  • 兩者都可作“每天”解。但兩者所表達的意境色彩不全一樣:
  • We do not have lessons every day.
  • 我們不是天天都有課。
  • We do not have lessons daily.
  • 我們每天都沒有課。
  • day, date
  • 這兩個詞都有“日,天”的意思。其區別在于:
  • 1.date指某種事發生的“日期”,不一定只指某一天,可以統指年、月、日,一般用單數; day指一周中的“某一天,一整天”等,意為“白天,日子”,又專指星期幾。例如:
  • Has the date for the meeting fixed?開會的日期決定了沒有?
  • The first day of a week is Sunday.一個星期的第一天是星期天。
  • 2.在詢問“某天是什么日子”時,兩詞都可用,但意義不同, date問的是“日期”,而day問的是“星期幾”。例如:
  • What day is it today?
  • 今天是星期幾?
  • What is the date today?
  • 今天是幾號?
  • day, festival, holiday, leave, vacation
  • 這五個詞都有“假日”的意思。其區別在于:holiday來源于宗教的節日、假日,是普通用詞,多用于英式英語中,指的是一個人在一年中不干工作的那段時間,也可用來表示一兩天的短假期; day表示法定節日,多用于專有名詞中; festival指民俗或宗教節日,并含有定期歡度的意味; leave指政府工作人員或軍人的假期; vacation用于大學停課放假長達多周的假日或法院停止開庭時間,在美式英語中,凡是較長時間的休假都可用這個詞。例如:
  • August and September are the months of the year during which most English people take their holidays.一年中8、9兩個月是大多數英國人休假的月份。
  • We celebrate National Day every year.我們每年都慶祝國慶節。
  • Christmas is one of the festivals of the Christian church.圣誕節是基督教的節日之一。
  • The soldiers will go home on leave once every two years.士兵們每兩年回家休假一次。
  • Three vacations occur in the course of the year, viz, two weeks at Christmas, ten days at Easter and the usual two months in summer.一年中有三個假期,即圣誕節兩周,復活節十天以及通常的兩個月暑假。
  • date,day
  • 這兩個名詞均有“日”之意。
  • date指具體的年、月、日,或指年代、時代。
  • day泛指任何一天,或指含有“一晝夜”意義的一天,也可指工作日??捎脧蛿当頃r代、時期。
  • 常見錯誤

    n. (名詞)

      One day morning,I ran into her on my way to school.

      One morning,I ran into her on my way to school.

      “一天早上”應譯為one morning,不能譯為one day morning。它既可以指過去的某天早上,也可指將來的某天早上。


      Tomorrow will be the Children's Day.

      Tomorrow will be Children's Day.



      They usually play indoor games in rainy days.

      They usually play indoor games on rainy days.



      You will receive her letter in one day or two.

      You will receive her letter in a day or two.

      You will receive her letter in one or two days.

      表示“在一兩天內”,應該說in a day or two或in one or two days,但不能說in one day or two。


      I haven't seen her for five years to day.

      I haven't seen her for five years to the day.

      表示時間確切到一點也不差時,應該用 the day。


      They rested during day and travelled by night.

      They rested by day and travelled by night.

      “在白天”是by day,用介詞by而不用during。


    • ☆ 直接源自中古英語的dai,意為白天。





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