- Pertaining to a conventional computer system with a single control unit and a single arithmetic logic unit, which operates upon a single stream of data from memory according to a single stream of instructions. 用于修飾或說(shuō)明常規的計算機系統,它有一個(gè)控制器和一個(gè)運算器,能根據單指令流對來(lái)自存儲器中的單數據流進(jìn)行操作。
- ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit; the circuitry within the CPU which performs all arithmetic functions. 算術(shù)邏輯運算器:執行運算功能的中央處理器內的線(xiàn)路。
- ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit; the circuitry within the CPU which performs all arithmetic functions. 運算法則一個(gè)系統的方法或等式,它是為了使一個(gè)問(wèn)題在有限多的步驟內被解決而被設計。
- The arithmetic is realized by logic operations and implemented by the spatial encoding technique, which offers an efficient design of optical arithmetic logic unit(ALU). 這些基本運算都可通過(guò)空間編碼與解碼的光學(xué)邏輯實(shí)現,從而提供了一種有效的光學(xué)算術(shù)-邏輯單元(ALU)設計方案。
- All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock cycle. 所有的寄存器都直接與算邏單元(ALU)相連接,使得一條指令可以在一個(gè)時(shí)鐘周期內同時(shí)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)兩個(gè)獨立的寄存器。
- The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations. 算術(shù)邏輯單元,用來(lái)進(jìn)行算術(shù)邏輯運算。
- In computing, an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU ) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations. 在計算機領(lǐng)域中,算術(shù)邏輯單元是指:一個(gè)執行算術(shù)和邏輯運算的數字電路。
- High Speed Arithmetic Logic Unit 高速算術(shù)及邏輯運算部件
- FiXed Point address Arithmetic Logic Unit 定點(diǎn)地址運算邏輯部件
- VALU: Vector Arithmetic logic Unit 向量算術(shù)邏輯單元
- register and arithmetic logic unit 寄存器和運算邏輯裝置
- arithmetic logic unit data flow 運算器數據流
- In a computer, a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. 計算機中,解釋并執行指令的一種功能單元。注:處理器至少包含有一個(gè)指令控制器和一個(gè)算術(shù)與邏輯運算器。
- The CLB is the basic logic unit in an FPGA. CLB是FPGA內的基本邏輯單元。
- arithmetic logic unit 算術(shù)邏輯單元
- alu: Arithmetic Logic Unit 算術(shù)邏輯單元
- To integrate bibliotheca databases with isomerization taxonomy or even different coding rules is a comprehensive project covering multiple factors, of which the selection of a reasonable data arithmetic is the most significant. 摘要將不同館藏編碼尤其是連分類(lèi)系統都不相同的書(shū)庫合并在一起,是一個(gè)綜合性項目,涉及到很多因素。
- register arithmetic logic unit 寄存器運算邏輯部件
- The CPU has two main parts: (1)the control unit and (2) the arithmetic / logic unit. 中央處理器有兩個(gè)主要部分:(1)控制單元,(2)算術(shù)邏輯單元。
- arithmetic logic unit date fiow [電] 算術(shù)邏輯運算單位資料流