- When choosing cushion for leaning on, want the reflection of many sided. 在選擇靠墊時(shí),要多方面的思考。
- The tea table with Little Bear toy and white cushion for leaning on and peculiar modelling added a few lively color. 小熊玩具和白色靠墊以及造型奇異的茶幾增添了一些活潑的色彩。
- Wife adopt the lionet that come back, hide in the appearance among cushion for leaning on to seem very bashful. 老婆領(lǐng)養回來(lái)的小獅子,躲在靠墊中間的樣子好象很害羞。
- Will look at present, the filler of sofa cushion for leaning on basically is fleeciness cotton. 目前來(lái)看,沙發(fā)靠墊的填充物主要為蓬松棉。
- The furniture things of Chinese style style and inwrought cushion for leaning on are built give low-key costly. 中式風(fēng)格的家具用品和刺繡靠墊營(yíng)造出一份低調的奢華。
- Warm crimson red is the mass-tone attune of the room, wall, curtain and cushion for leaning on mutual echo. 暖和的絳紅色是房間的主色調,墻壁、窗簾和靠墊相互呼應。
- You can use oily dye and floral blade, a similar numinous adornment result is produced on cushion for leaning on. 您可以用油性的顏料和植物的葉片,在靠墊上制造出同樣的超自然的裝飾效果。
- Of course, you still can add the decorations that you love on cushion for leaning on, if act the role of,wait with lacy, lacy, design. 當然,您還可以在靠墊上加上自己所喜愛(ài)的飾物,如飾以絲帶、花邊、圖案等。
- Or, move ideas does a few household small adorn article, add to cushion for leaning on lacy, do a concise small candlestick. 或者,開(kāi)動(dòng)腦筋做一些家居小飾品,給靠墊加個(gè)花邊、做一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)潔的小燭臺。
- Slipcover of white of white curtain echo, local adorn with green cushion for leaning on, coordinate integral atmosphere. 白色窗簾呼應白色沙發(fā)套,局部用綠色靠墊點(diǎn)綴,協(xié)調整體氛圍。
- Gules feather is long model cushion for leaning on is become by drape flannelette and silk joining together, two end are set have gules feather. 紅色羽毛長(cháng)型靠墊由褶皺絨布和絲綢拼接而成,兩端鑲有紅色羽毛。
- Living room can become very beautiful, comfortable it is crucial place, loose, brushy cushion for leaning on is fetching long above sit. 起居室可以變得非常漂亮,舒適乃是要害所在,松軟、毛茸茸的靠墊引人極想在上面坐坐。
- An adornment of penniform bracken plant design is on the ivory liner among cushion for leaning on, linen edge offerred a natural photograph draw a frame round for this design. 一個(gè)羽毛狀的羊齒植物圖案裝飾在靠墊中間的乳白色襯里上,亞麻布邊為這個(gè)圖案提供了一個(gè)天然的相框。
- Of the study tonal it is heavy, computer of the electrograph on old desk clock, inwrought cushion for leaning on and desk, notebook formed sharp contrast. 書(shū)房的色調是沉重的,古老的座鐘、刺繡靠墊與桌上的傳真機、筆記本電腦形成了強烈的對比。
- Change downy crayon lubricious appearance to a few cushion for leaning on, use these to be acted the role of simply article, can change the Nancy atmosphere that gets houseful. 給幾個(gè)靠墊換上柔和的蠟筆色外衣,利用這些簡(jiǎn)單的飾品,就能換得滿(mǎn)屋的女性化氛圍。
- Cushion for leaning on of a few red, yellow, green had better be adorned on sofa, make a room unapt the meaning that loses warmth because of tonal super-cooling Qing Dynasty. 最好在沙發(fā)上點(diǎn)綴幾個(gè)紅色、黃色、綠色靠墊,使房間不至于因色調過(guò)冷清而失去暖和之意。
- The tea table with mixture simple material uses color echo sofa and cushion for leaning on, simple and not drab. Advocate white is vogue, people need is involute medium halcyon. 混合材質(zhì)的茶幾用顏色呼應沙發(fā)及靠墊,簡(jiǎn)單而不單調。崇尚白色是時(shí)尚,人們需要紛亂中的寧靜。
- This conclusion is: It is toward your lounge chaos throws a few belts merely stripe, or the cushion for leaning on of kitten doggie printing already was far insufficient. 此結論就是:僅僅是往你的長(cháng)沙發(fā)上亂扔幾個(gè)帶條紋、或小貓小狗印花的靠墊已是遠遠不夠的了。
- On the choice of furniture, host just chose the cany chair of a few white, the cushion for leaning on above or goodwife are designed with one's own hands and of tailor. 在家具的選擇上,主人只是選用了幾款白色的藤椅,上面的靠墊還是女主人親手設計并縫制的。
- They use the cushion for leaning on of Chinese style classicism commonly silken, damask, silk, hemp make material, the surface uses embroidery or printing design makes decoration. 中式古典風(fēng)格的靠墊它們一般用綢、緞、絲、麻等做材料,表面用刺繡或印花圖案做裝飾。