- To fulfill this task, we must take powerful measures to increase effective supply while curbing excessive demand. 必須從增加有效供給和抑制不合理需求兩方面采取有力措施。
- There is excess demand for a firm's products. 對某公司產(chǎn)品有過(guò)度需求。
- Excess demand for credit is common. 貸款的超額需求是普遍存在的。
- The author believes that to set up art effective regulatory system is conducive to enhancing regulatory efficiency and curb excessive market fluctuation. 本文認為,確立有效的監管體制模式,能夠提高監管的效率,避免證券市場(chǎng)過(guò)分波動(dòng)。
- I can't endure your excessive demands. 我不能容忍你過(guò)分的要求。
- The move came after China announced on May 18 hikes of benchmark interest rates and bank reserve requirement as well as widening yuan floating range against the U.S. dollar, in a bid to curb excessive liquidity and cool the overheated economy. 這是國家繼5月18日宣布提高基準利率和銀行存儲利率以及放寬對美元的浮動(dòng)范圍后所推出的新一項舉措,旨在控制流動(dòng)性過(guò)剩以及給過(guò)熱的經(jīng)濟降溫。
- Through a "Tobin tax" to curb excessive speculation in the property market, prices will be controlled within a reasonable growth control and prevent the emergence of the bubble economy. 通過(guò)征收“托賓稅”遏制房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)過(guò)度投機行為,將控制房?jì)r(jià)增速控制在合理范圍之內,防止出現泡沫經(jīng)濟。
- We should intensify international coordination to curb excessive speculation, improve the food trading system and establish a fair and equitable international trading order for agricultural products. 加強國際協(xié)調,抑制過(guò)度投機,完善糧食貿易體制,建立公平合理的國際農產(chǎn)品貿易秩序;
- There are some conditions and customs.Destined to use excessive demand of the quilt. 有一些風(fēng)景,注定是用來(lái)被奢求的。
- We regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand. 但因有關(guān)產(chǎn)品需求殷切,未能滿(mǎn)足公司要求,深感遺憾。
- The subsidies typically are more easy to switch on than turn off, and may be contributing to excess demand pressures during the current housing upturn. 通常啟動(dòng)補貼比廢除補貼要容易得多,并且在當今的住房上漲期間可能造成了超額需求壓力。
- She finally buckled under the excessive demands of the job. 她最終被過(guò)量的工作壓垮了。
- The company had an excessive demand, because I had to pay three thousand dollars as a security before I could enter the company. 那間公司要求很過(guò)分,因為我必須先交3 000美金作為保證金,然后才能正式上班。
- During this process the Federal Reserve Board may be trying to curb excesses and stimulate or dampen the market by raising or lowering the margin. 在這個(gè)過(guò)程中間,聯(lián)邦儲備委員會(huì )可以對極端情況進(jìn)行限制,通過(guò)提高或降低定金來(lái)刺激或抑制市
- In one class of models, misperception of risk generates excessive demand for risky assets, housing and financial assets in particular. 一類(lèi)模型是,對于風(fēng)險的誤讀導致人們人們對于風(fēng)險資產(chǎn)過(guò)度需求,尤其對諸如房地產(chǎn)以及某些金融資產(chǎn)的需求。
- When the market price is below the equilibrium price, there is excess demand (shortage). 當市場(chǎng)價(jià)格低于均衡價(jià)格,便出現超額需求(短缺)。
- Yet, despite the "limited office" of judicial review, it is generally regarded as the most significant safeguard available to curb excesses in administrative action. 不管怎樣,盡管司法審查僅有“有限的職責”,人們一般還是視司法審查為能夠抑制行政活動(dòng)中的過(guò)度行為的最重要的保障。
- The Government insists that the trade deficit is the result primarily of excess demand. 政府堅持認為貿易逆差的主要原因是超額需求。
- The excessive demand we are experiencing is primarily as a result of non sanctioned scraping tools/wizards/bots automating the creation process. 那些過(guò)量的需求主要是一些未認可的自動(dòng)申請工具。
- The stock of cultivable land in industrial countries is more or less fixed, so excess demand resulting from high farm prices and incomes will tend to bid up land rent. 工業(yè)國可耕地的數量或多或少是固定的,因此高的農場(chǎng)價(jià)格和農業(yè)高收入所造成的過(guò)度需求將會(huì )抬高地租。