- Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens. 緊靠著(zhù)虹膜后面的是水晶體(眼球)。
- Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens . 緊靠著(zhù)虹膜后面的是水晶體(眼球)。
- The fine focusing or accommodation of the human eye is a function performed by the crystalline lens. 人眼的精細聚焦或調節的功能是由水晶體執行的。
- This is made possible by the action of the crystalline lens and the ciliary muscle to which it is attached. 通過(guò)晶狀體及其所連著(zhù)的睫狀肌的動(dòng)作,可以做到這一點(diǎn)。
- Inability of the eye to focus sharply on nearby objects, resulting from loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with advancing age. 遠視,老花眼睛不能準確地聚焦在近處物體上的癥狀,是由年齡增長(cháng)導致睫狀體缺乏彈性引起的
- Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery. 囊切開(kāi)術(shù),晶狀體切開(kāi)術(shù)指被膜或囊的切割,尤指眼球晶狀體的切割,如通過(guò)外科手術(shù)摘除白內障
- Ectopia lentis is a displacement or malposition of the eye's crystalline lens from its normal location. 什麼是'異位晶狀體-流離失所鏡頭的眼睛'?
- Finish is meeting myopia returned later after operation of resect crystalline lens? 做完割除晶狀體手術(shù)后以后還會(huì )近視嗎?
- The lens nuclear sclerosis is one of cataract manifestations. The nucleus of crystalline lens may become sclerosis and opacities under influences of numerous factors in eyes. 晶狀體核硬化是白內障的表現之一,晶狀體核在眼內受多種因素的影響發(fā)生硬化混濁。
- Mercurialism eye ministry appears mercurialism sex crystalline lens changes, inspect a function to damage drop for central eyesight, view is narrow. 汞中毒眼部出現汞中毒性晶狀體變化,視功能損害為中心視力下降、視野縮小。
- Grow as the age, vitamin C content drops apparently, crystalline lens is hidebound, as time passes can cause crystalline lens denaturation. 隨著(zhù)年齡增長(cháng),維生素C含量明顯下降,晶狀體營(yíng)養不良,久而久之會(huì )引起晶狀體變性。
- Conclusions:Jo int Operation of Corna Fissure Suturation,Traumatic Cataract Extraction and Impl antion of Artificial Crystalline Lens is a comparatively ideal method. :角膜裂傷縫合白內障摘出人工晶狀體植入聯(lián)合手術(shù)治療角膜裂傷合并外傷性白內障 ,術(shù)后視力恢復快、并發(fā)癥少 ,是一種較為理想的手術(shù)方法。
- The injurious conditions of crystalline lens were examined for 156 workers exposed to trinitrotoluene(TNT) and the affecting factors to injury caused by TNT were analysed. 本文調查了156名三硝基甲苯(TNT)作業(yè)工人的眼晶體損傷情況,并分析了影響TNT損傷眼晶體的有關(guān)因素。
- Observation crystal is muddy configuration, place and degree, the color of crystalline lens nucleus, combinative medical history defines the quality of cataract. 觀(guān)察晶體混濁形態(tài)、部位與程度,晶狀體核的顏色,結合病史確定白內障的性質(zhì)。
- Catarct is a kind of common disease which can cause blindness in the world.It occurs when proteins and lipids of crystalline lens are injured by oxidization. 白內障是一種常見(jiàn)的世界性致盲性疾病,由于晶狀體內氧化和抗氧化系統失去平衡,晶狀體內的蛋白質(zhì)和脂質(zhì)受到氧化損傷所致。
- Making use of the tidy optical slice projected from the slit lamp, the instrument can be used to make accurate examination on the pathological changes, such as cornea, eyelid, front chambers, sclera, iris, crystalline lens and retina. 利用裂隙燈投射出的整齊的光學(xué)切面,可對角膜、臉、房、膜、膜、狀體及視網(wǎng)膜等病變作精確檢查。
- Aspherics facilitated with wave-front technology is more close to the function of human crystalline lens and will become a new generation of the intraocular lenses. 采用非球面光學(xué)和波面像差技術(shù)設計開(kāi)發(fā)的非球面人工晶狀體的功能更接近生理晶狀體的性能,將成為人工晶狀體行業(yè)的新標準。
- Total vitrectomy in crystalline lens 有晶狀體眼的全玻璃體切除術(shù)
- Modeling and Simulating of Human Crystalline Lens 人眼晶狀體建模與仿真研究綜述
- Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens 緊靠著(zhù)虹膜后面的是水晶體(眼球)。