- Lingquan Temple before and after the Millennium cryptomeria 6. 御賜“衛國佑民”匾額,迄今猶在。靈泉寺前后有千年柳杉六棵。
- I.Experiments on stems of Sugi tree (Cryptomeria japonica D. 渡道治人.;堤壽一
- Through the downloading of the rice sequence and the data analysis, a DNA polymorphism database between japanica and indica was constructed. 我們利用網(wǎng)上公布的水稻基因組的測序結果,經(jīng)過(guò)數據處理和分析,構建了一個(gè)水稻亞種粳稻和秈稻間的DNA多態(tài)性數據庫。
- In addition, there are forestry guides about the Taiwan cryptomeria, the Taiwan Douglas fir, and the Formosa pine. 還有臺灣杉、黃杉、二葉松等植物的導覽解說(shuō)。
- The growth speed of the four tree plantation models above is in the order: poplar>water fir>cryptomeria>black locust. 4種模式造林樹(shù)種的生長(cháng)快慢順序是楊樹(shù)>水杉>柳杉>刺槐;
- A study of the inheritance and variation of the small populations of Cryptomeria fortunei in Fujian. 福建柳杉小群體遺傳變異的研究.
- Using Cryptomeria accreted in Taiwan to be major members of columns and beams and iron pieces and screws to combine with another member. 采用生長(cháng)于臺灣之柳杉制程建筑物主要梁柱構件,構件間使用鐵件及螺絲接合。
- Regression analysis shows that growth of Cryptomeria, but not of China fir, can be predicted by the latitude and longitude of the provenance. 經(jīng)巾迴歸分析顯示柳杉生長(cháng)變異可藉種源所在地之經(jīng)緯度而加以預測,然杉木則否。
- Before flowering phase, the proportion of stems was significantly higher than that of other modules in the Cryptomeria fortunei H. forest population. 在柳杉林中,莖構件所占比例顯著(zhù)高于其它構件的比例;
- When you enter the gate of Guizhou Botanical Garden, two rows of tall Cryptomeria fortunei as a cordial host welcome honored guests. 當您走進(jìn)貴州省植物園的大門(mén),兩排高大的柳杉樹(shù)像熱情的主人歡迎貴賓的到來(lái)。
- The resistance genes of twenty six Yunnan japanica rice varieties have been analysed using seven Chinese strains of rice blast fungus(ZA_1, ZB_(13), ZC_(13), ZD_1, ZE_1, ZF_1, ZG_1). 用ZA_1、ZB_(13)、ZC_(13)、ZD_1、ZE_1、ZF_1、ZG_1 7個(gè)菌系對云南26個(gè)粳稻品種進(jìn)行抗性基因分析。
- Therefore, we may describe the growth pattern in Cryptomeria as clinal variation, while localized random variation may be more suitable to define the China fir provenance growth. 在此情況下,我們可描繪出柳杉種源之生長(cháng)型式是屬連續漸變型變異,而杉木種源之生長(cháng)型式屬區域局部犁的逢機變異。
- A silviculture study on large scale improvements of a man-made cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica) forest was done to establish a multi-storied plantation. 摘要本研究探討進(jìn)行大面積柳杉人工林之林相改良以營(yíng)建復層林之方式。
- Row thinning followed by planting practices was carried out in a 24-yr-old cryptomeria forest located at Compartment No. 20, Taipingshan Working Circle of Chilanshan. 供試林分為太平山事業(yè)區第20林班24年生柳杉人工林,經(jīng)施以行列疏伐后進(jìn)行復層林營(yíng)造。
- Abstract : In recent years , Dendrolimus houi Lajonquiere have brought serious influence on plants such as Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk in Wuyanlin National Natural Resery. 摘要 : 近些年來(lái),柳杉毛蟲(chóng)大面積擴散危害,對烏巖嶺自然保護區的柳杉等植物產(chǎn)生了嚴重的影響。
- According to pollen analyses, such marshy plants as Alnus, Salix, Cryptomeria, Gramineae and Nymphaceae are abundant, Lepidobalanus, Castanea and Fraxinus are common, and Fagus cf. 孢粉分析顯示沼澤植物;如Alnus;Salix;Cryptomeria;Gramineae;Numphaceae豐富;Lepidobalanus;Castanea;Fraxinus常見(jiàn);而Fagus cf.
- Tree height and diameter were measured from 88 provenances of Cryptomeria and from 42 provenances of China fir.A composite index of growth was constructed by taking the average of the standard scores. 摘要柳杉88個(gè)種源與杉木42個(gè)種源造林木之樹(shù)高及胸徑經(jīng)量測及分析后,取其標準得分點(diǎn)數構成一個(gè)生長(cháng)合成指數。
- Forest of Cuptessus funebris, Forest of Cunningghamia lanceolata, Forest of Cryptomeria fortunei, Forest of Quercus acutissima, Forest of Pinus massoniana, Cunningghamia lanceolata, have similar laws. 柏木林,杉木林,柳杉林,麻櫟林,以及馬尾松與杉木的混交林具有與之有相似的性質(zhì)。
- Introducing Trial of Cut - flower Japanica Lathyrus odoratus 切花品種日本香豌豆的引種試驗
- Test summarization on Hybridizable Japanica Which Named Tiyou-418 雜交粳稻屜優(yōu)418應用試驗總結