- A (correspondent Lu Peng Wang Heli) as the cross-strait charter flights across the Strait exchanges to facilitate more and more. 本報訊(通訊員王賀莉 陸鵬)隨著(zhù)兩岸包機的通航,兩岸之間的往來(lái)越來(lái)越便利。
- Charter flights give the best value for money. 包機最劃算。
- This firm specialises in charter flights. 這家公司專(zhuān)營(yíng)包機業(yè)務(wù)。
- This travel firm specializes in charter flights. 這家旅游公司專(zhuān)營(yíng)包機業(yè)務(wù)。
- Is that a regular flight or a charter flight? 這是一架正常班機還是團體包機?
- Do you have any charter flights during the holiday season? 你們在旅游季節還辦理團體包機嗎?
- Charter flights give/offer the best value for (your) money. 乘坐包機最合算.
- Charter flights no longer bring tourists to gaze at the dunes. 包機所帶來(lái)的不再是想要觀(guān)賞沙丘的游客。
- A survey found that73% of the public had a favorable impression of Abni's inauguration speech, and63% believed his stance would improve cross strait relations. 一項民調講有七成八耶郎對阿扁總統就職耶演講感覺(jué)滿(mǎn)意,嘛有六成三認為伊對兩岸耶關(guān)系耶改善有幫助。
- There are charter flights from Iceland to Barcelona, Rome and Milan in summer. 冰島到巴塞羅那,羅馬,米蘭等度假勝地有包機直達。
- How many people are going to take the charter flight? 你們有多少人要乘包機?
- There is a wide selection of both schedule and charter flights available. 無(wú)論是日程安排還是團體包機都有很大的選擇余地。
- The overwork that increases temporarily among them, charter flight 121 sortie. 其中臨時(shí)增加的加班、包機121架次。
- Airlines from the Chinese mainland are gearing up to operate charter flights across the Taiwan Straits following a landmark deal inked. 兩岸春節包機最后敲定;臺灣航空公司飛行航點(diǎn)結果也出爐;臺灣6家航空公司參與.;廈航首航?jīng)Q定1月29日廣州飛臺北;售票火爆
- Mao Zedong posited the military thought of crossing strait and landing after the disembark war of Jinmen and Dengbu island. 在金門(mén)和登步島登陸戰失敗后,毛澤東系統地提出了渡海登陸作戰軍事思想。
- "Now with daily charter flights to the mainland, idle crew and planes were put into use again. 現在與每日包機到大陸,無(wú)所事事的乘員組和飛機再被放入用途。
- At present, including Shenyang, and other cities, regular or charter flights non-stop New Chitose. 目前包括首爾、關(guān)島、臺北、香港、沈陽(yáng)、上海與澳大利亞凱恩斯等城市,都有定期或包機航班直飛新千歲。
- Analysts expect technical, unofficial negotiations on charter flights and tourism links to begin next month following Mr Ma and Mr Siew's inauguration. 分析人士預計,在馬英九和蕭萬(wàn)長(cháng)下月就職后,有關(guān)包機直航和大陸居民赴臺旅游問(wèn)題的非官方技術(shù)性談判就將啟動(dòng)。
- China has announced a new round of charter flights with Taiwan for an upcoming traditional Chinese grave-sweeping festival. 中國宣布,兩岸在即將到來(lái)的中國傳統節日清明節期間開(kāi)通新一輪包機服務(wù)。
- In earlier time, China Airlines applied to Russian Civil Aviation Authority to make charter flights from Taipei to Moscow in August and September. 中華航空公司稍早前已向俄羅斯民航當局申請于八月和九月分別以包機自臺北飛往莫斯科。