creep(ing) distance

  • 蠕變距離

creep(ing) distance的英文翻譯是什么意思,詞典釋義與在線(xiàn)翻譯:


名詞 creep:
  1. someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric

  2. a slow longitudinal movement or deformation

  3. a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot

  4. a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body

動(dòng)詞 creep:
  1. move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground

  2. to go stealthily or furtively

  3. grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover (a surface)

  4. show submission or fear

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