- He is cozying up to Jack so he can join the club. 他為了加入那個(gè)俱樂(lè )部而在巴結杰克。
- Cosying up to hedge funds is about more than moving with fashion. 討好對沖基金公司更像跟上了時(shí)髦。
- But the CIA has been cosying up to Sudan in the name of the war on terror. 但是CIA成為蘇丹反對恐怖主義戰爭的名詞。
- It is criticised in America and Europe for cosying up to a dictatorship. 這在美國和歐洲受到批評:因為和獨裁國家走得太近了。
- China, which has built a big embassy in Malabo, the island capital, is cosying up too. 在首都馬拉博建造大型大使館的中國也對目前兩國關(guān)系頗為滿(mǎn)意。
- Its companies are “colonising” swathes of Africa and Latin America, cosying up to regimes Westerners shun. 中國公司正在非洲和拉丁美洲“開(kāi)拓大片殖民地”,親近西方人回避的政權。
- We took a lot of flak in the United States for that, for cozying up to China too closely. 為此,因為太過(guò)奉承中國,我們在美國國內受到了許多抨擊。
- It is not the only inscrutable country to be cosying up to the inscrutable private-equity industry. 神秘的中國偏好于神秘莫測的私人股權公司,這并不是唯一。
- Opponents say Ma will concede too much of the self-ruled island's autonomy and democracy by cosying up to the authoritarian administration in Beijing. 反對者認為,馬將會(huì )令這個(gè)自治的島嶼做出太多讓步,這里的自由和民主都將會(huì )置于北京威權政府的陰影之下。
- It seems alarmed by recent signs that the Maoists are cosying up to China.It regards the army as a bulwark against any radical lurch in Nepali policy. 對于最近毛派對中國的頻頻示好,印度似乎有所警覺(jué),打算借軍隊來(lái)制約尼泊爾外交政策的突然轉向。
- The West Bengal opposition is now relishing the chance to accuse the commies of cosying up to capitalists at the expense of the peasantry. 孟加拉邦的反對黨眼下正享受著(zhù)指控共產(chǎn)黨人損害農民利益以討好資本家的機會(huì )。
- And if realpolitik dictates, India is perfectly capable of cosying up to a dictatorship, such as the Burmese military junta. 而且,如果是出于現實(shí)政治考慮,印度完全有可能親近一個(gè)**政權,比如緬甸軍政府。
- Like North Korea,it has borne isolation and rhetorical hostility from the West by cosying up tothe neighbours, notably China. 就像北朝鮮一樣,緬甸軍人政權通過(guò)討好他的鄰國特別是中國得以在西方的孤立和敵對中生存。
- Cozying up with China and the autocratic Gulf states looks less malevolent when those countries are the main lenders to the U. 中國和海灣地區的主權國家現在是美國的主要債權人,拉攏這些國家對美國而言并不算太壞。
- The sensitive and caring Crab will enjoy cozying up at home with a good tear-jerking romance novel, or a bookthat evokes warm childhood memories. 敏感且極富同情心的巨蟹座喜歡舒舒適服地在家里讀一本感人淚下的愛(ài)情小說(shuō)或是一本能讓他們回憶起暖和的童年時(shí)光的書(shū)。
- Opponents say Ma will concede too much of the self-ruled island\'s autonomy and democracy by cosying up to the authoritarian administration in Beijing. 反對者認為,馬將會(huì )令這個(gè)自治的島嶼做出太多讓步,這里的自由和民主都將會(huì )置于北京威權政府的陰影之下。
- The sensitive and caring Crab will enjoy cozying up at home with a good tear-jerking romance novel, or a bookthat evokes warm childhood memories. 敏感且極富同情心的巨蟹座喜歡舒舒服服地在家里讀一本感人淚下的愛(ài)情小說(shuō)或是一本能讓他們回憶起溫暖的童年時(shí)光的書(shū)。
- Cozying up with China and the autocratic Gulf states looks less malevolent when those countries are the main lenders to the U.S.Treasury. 當中國和海灣專(zhuān)制國家成為美國財政部主要貸款者時(shí),他們看起來(lái)也不那么討厭。
- Like it or not, it involves cozying up to a nation that is not a democracy--and does not look as if it will become one soon. 中國崛起并不必然像當年德國和日本那樣伴隨著(zhù)霸權,當然也不會(huì )令人很舒服。
- Like North Korea, it has borne isolation and rhetorical hostility from the West by cosying up to the neighbours, notably China. 像北朝鮮一樣,它通過(guò)討好它的鄰居,特別是北京,忍受住了西方的孤立和敵意。