Arcing phenomena between a fallen conductor and the ground are usually linked with HIFs, which may lead to a fire hazard or endanger beings. 當發(fā)生高阻抗故障時(shí)于掉落的導線(xiàn)與接觸地面間通常伴隨有電弧的存在,這個(gè)電弧火花可能會(huì )引起火災造成人員生命財產(chǎn)的威脅。
When the generator rotor spins, the magnetic field is rotating, the generator stator conductor cutting magnetic line of force will have a current sensor. 當發(fā)電機轉子旋轉時(shí),磁場(chǎng)也是旋轉的,發(fā)電機定子內的導線(xiàn)就會(huì )切割磁力線(xiàn)感應產(chǎn)生電流。