- They referred their success the correct leadership of the Party. 他們說(shuō)取得這個(gè)成就是由于有黨的正確領(lǐng)導。
- We owe all we have achieved to the correct leadership of the Party. 我們的一切成就都應歸功于黨的正確領(lǐng)導。
- We owe all our achievements to the correct leadership of the Pary. 我們的一切成就都應歸功于黨的正確領(lǐng)導。
- To start with,we have the correct leadership of the Party. 首先,我們有黨的正確領(lǐng)導。
- To start with, we have the correct leadership of the Party. 首先,我們有黨的正確領(lǐng)導。
- From then on our revolution acquired correct leadership and direction. 從那時(shí)起我們的革命就有了正確的領(lǐng)導和方向。
- AII our achievements are due to the correct leadership of our Party. 我們的一切成績(jì)都歸功于黨。
- Without correct leadership, the enthusiasm of the masses cannot be sustained. 沒(méi)有正確的領(lǐng)導, 群眾的積極性就不可能持久。
- Having a correct grasp of these three questions and their interrelations is tantamount to giving correct leadership to the whole Chinese revolution. 正確地理解了這三個(gè)問(wèn)題及其相互關(guān)系,就等于正確地領(lǐng)導了全部中國革命。
- There will be no excellent revolutionary situation without re- ference to the correct leadership of the Party. 革命形勢大好是和黨的正確領(lǐng)導分不開(kāi)的。
- In all the practical work of our Party, all correct leadership is necessarily " from the masses, to the masses ". (四)在我黨的一切實(shí)際工作中,凡屬正確的領(lǐng)導,必須是從群眾中來(lái),到群眾中去。
- Yet without investigation and study of the experience and opinions of the masses,no leader,however talented,can provide correct leadership. 但是,離開(kāi)群眾經(jīng)驗和群眾意見(jiàn)的調查研究,那末,任何天才的領(lǐng)導者也不可能進(jìn)行正確的領(lǐng)導。
- Yet without investigation and study of the experience and opinions of the masses, no leader, however talented, can provide correct leadership. 但是,離開(kāi)群眾經(jīng)驗和群眾意見(jiàn)的調查研究,那末,任何天才的領(lǐng)導者也不可能進(jìn)行正確的領(lǐng)導。
- So long as the Party exercises correct leadership, it can rally not only its whole membership but also the whole nation to accomplish any mighty undertaking. 只要我們黨的領(lǐng)導是正確的,那就不僅能夠把全黨的力量,而且能夠把全國人民的力量集合起來(lái),干出轟轟烈烈的事業(yè)。
- Disparages Communist Party of China's correct leadership, thinks only then West's leadership way to be most outstanding. 貶低中國共產(chǎn)黨的正確領(lǐng)導;認為只有西方的領(lǐng)導方式最優(yōu)秀.
- Thanks to the correct leadership of the Party and government,these standards were quite sound in our country for a decade or more after the founding of the People's Republic. 我們建國以后的十多年中,由于黨和政府的正確領(lǐng)導,社會(huì )風(fēng)氣是健康的。
- In our effort to build socialism and achieve the four modernizations under the correct leadership of the Central Committee,we need to encourage this same revolutionary spirit. 搞社會(huì )主義建設,實(shí)現四個(gè)現代化,同樣要在黨中央的正確領(lǐng)導下,大大發(fā)揚這些精神。
- Now we can be certain that under the correct leadership of the Central Committee,the Party,army and people will achieve victory after victory in our new Long March. 現在,我們可以有把握地說(shuō),全黨、全軍和全國各族人民在黨中央的正確領(lǐng)導下,在新的長(cháng)征中,一定會(huì )不斷取得新的勝利。
- Under the correct leadership of the Central Committee,the Party,the army and the people are once again filled with confident hope for the future of our great socialist motherland. 全黨、全軍和全國各族人民,在黨中央的正確領(lǐng)導下,對于我們偉大社會(huì )主義祖國的前途,重新充滿(mǎn)了希望和信心。
- Second,the mass line maintains that the Party's ability to exercise correct leadership hinges on its ability to apply the method of "from the masses,to the masses". 在另一方面,它認為黨的領(lǐng)導工作能否保持正確,決定于它能否采勸從群眾中來(lái),到群眾中去”的方法。