- Relation of electric field intensity and potential gradient. 電場(chǎng)強度和電勢梯度的關(guān)系。
- To save energy and enhance field intensity, ultrasonic focalization is applied. 從節約能源,提高場(chǎng)強角度出發(fā)又提出了超聲聚焦方法;
- If you were to leave a grounded cable stationary in an energized high-frequency electrode for a while, you would notice that the insulation is noticeably warmer where it made contact with the corona field. 如果我們將一根接地電纜穩定放在施以高頻電極電壓的電極中一會(huì )兒?你將注意到與電暈有接觸的絕緣部分有明顯的變熱。
- Coulomb law, electric field intensity, calculation of electric field intensity E, flux of electric field intensity. 庫侖定律,電場(chǎng)強度;場(chǎng)強的計算,電場(chǎng)強度通量。
- By analyzing transmission pathway and mode of VLF radio wave,calculation formula of field intensity is given. 分析甚低頻電磁波傳播路徑與方式,給出場(chǎng)強的計算公式。
- Changing of material resistance with applied magnetic field intensity is called Giant magnetoresistance (GMR). 磁電阻效應是指材料的電阻隨外加磁場(chǎng)變化而變化的現象。
- The electric field intensity decay is 40 dB per decade of distance in near field of a magnetic dipole. 磁偶極之近場(chǎng)輻射電場(chǎng)強度隨距離每增十倍衰減四十分貝。
- Objective To evaluate the application of low field intensity joint MR in acute injury of ligament of ankle joint. 目的評價(jià)專(zhuān)用四肢關(guān)節低場(chǎng)MR在踝關(guān)節韌帶急性損傷中的應用價(jià)值。
- With the same electric field intensity, the HEMP induced current is the largest one among the three induced currents. 入射角對電纜感應電流也有影響,電場(chǎng)方向與電纜平行時(shí)感應最強;
- Electro-hydrodynamics (EHD) boiling heat transfer enhancement was the result of both electric field intensity and homogeneity. 電水動(dòng)力學(xué)(EHD)強化換熱效果是電場(chǎng)強度和電場(chǎng)均勻性綜合作用的結果。
- A new approach, the multipole theory (MT) method, is presented for computation of electric field intensity on the Dirichlet's boundary surface. 提出了用多極理論計算第一類(lèi)邊界上的場(chǎng)強分布,給出用多極理論準解析法計算三維靜電場(chǎng)問(wèn)題的使用規則和實(shí)施步驟。
- Reducing discharge interval and increasing electric field intensity could increase the hardness and depth of nitriding layer markedly. 在本工藝條件下,適當減小放電間隙,增大電場(chǎng)強度,可以明顯提高滲層的硬度和深度。
- It was found that heat transfer enhancement was related to electric field homogeneity, electric field intensity and heat flux. 結合試驗和電場(chǎng)分布的計算結果,分析了電場(chǎng)均勻性、電場(chǎng)強度、熱流密度與沸騰換熱效果之間的關(guān)系。
- Electro-hydrodynamics(EHD) boiling heat transfer enhancement was the result of both electric field intensity and homogeneity. 電水動(dòng)力學(xué)(EHD)強化換熱效果是電場(chǎng)強度和電場(chǎng)均勻性綜合作用的結果。
- The results show that a longer residence time and a stronger electric field intensity can result in enhanced coalescing efficiency of the droplets. 包覆絕緣層的電極板在小間距下能有效破乳并防止擊穿,且電場(chǎng)強度越大停留時(shí)間越長(cháng),聚結效果越顯著(zhù)。
- Results For reinforced concrete cast walling, indoor field intensity attenuated in company with the increment of space to the window. 結果對于鋼筋混凝土澆注墻體室內電場(chǎng)強度隨著(zhù)與窗口距離的增加基本按指數規律衰減。
- The influence of sound field intensity on removal efficiency was studied, as well as the shift features of particle size distribution. 利用該實(shí)驗平臺,研究了聲場(chǎng)強度對細顆粒清除效率的影響以及顆粒粒徑分布的遷移特性。
- The performance of synergistic scale inhibition was investigated in different water temperature, magnetic field intensity, water hardness and concentration. 研究了不同溫度、場(chǎng)強度、質(zhì)硬度及加藥量下的協(xié)同阻垢性能。
- But in the previous TSC experiments heating rate and some poling parameters are often changed such as polarization temperature, time and field intensity. 然而,傳統的TSC法常用改變極化溫度、時(shí)間、場(chǎng)強以及升溫速率等參數來(lái)觀(guān)察TSC譜的變化,并未在測量過(guò)程中引入新的作用參數,這使得TSC的應用有一些局限性。
- Test data and statistical regularities was offered,through the actual measurement for field intensity of environmental electromagnetism radiations at three city proper in Fushun. 通過(guò)對撫順市3個(gè)城區環(huán)境電磁輻射綜合場(chǎng)強的實(shí)測,提供了測試數據和統計規律。