- Or use lens face, build fictitious space effect to wait. 或采用鏡面,營(yíng)造虛擬空間效果等。
- Studies on Clonal Test and Spacing Effect of New Clones of Populus tomentosa Carr. 毛白楊新無(wú)性系對比試驗與造林密度效應研究。
- In introducing cool color series more shallow tonal, can build Anacreontic, frank, open space effect. 采用冷色系列中較淺的色調,可營(yíng)造明朗、爽快、開(kāi)闊的空間效果。
- The airtight-combined hydro cylinder makes the rubber inosculate with soles firmly and the shape of the sides to reach an average pressure, firm joint and no space effect. 本機采用密排式組合油缸設計,使橡膠塊能很好地吻合鞋底,鞋邊之曲線(xiàn)形狀,產(chǎn)生壓力均等、貼合好,不留間隙死角之理想效果。
- The twisting architectural structure, together with the courtyard and airhead garden, yields varied space effect. 不斷扭轉的建筑體形結合庭院及空中花園,創(chuàng )造變化豐富的空間效果。
- The mechanical characteristics of LGM were mainly influenced by replacement and space effect of EPS. 輕質(zhì)混合土中的EPS顆粒是通過(guò)置換效應和空間效應影響強度變形特性的.
- Through quantitative analysis, we found that the mechanism of hydrogen physisorption can be described by the potential effect and the space effect. 通過(guò)定量分析計算結果,指出碳納米管儲氫的物理吸附機制,可用勢能效應和空間效應描述。
- Every designer of interior and exterior design of three-dimension space should master the technique of producing three-dimension space effect picture. 用電腦制作三維空間效果圖,是每個(gè)設計室內外三維空間的設計師都需要掌握的專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)。
- The bridged structure may produce a space effect, which make the film easily doped and increase the conductivity through interchain charge hopping.In conc. 膜中鏈與鏈之間可能存在部分的氧橋結構, 而引起體系結構的某些變化, 使聚對苯膜的電導提高以及摻雜容易進(jìn)行。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 這個(gè)黨的核心成員決定一切。
- Aim at the engineering topic of the tunnel digs plane's space effect that has important use value, this text overview the present condition and the development trend of the domestic and international space effect research method. 針對不同地層條件、不同埋深、不同隧道形式和開(kāi)挖形式隧道掘進(jìn)面空間效應存在的差異,本文在國內外隧道掘進(jìn)面空間效應研究方法和研究成果的基礎上。
- There is full-space field, drift space effect and the complicated interfere in the pit, which have restricted in the popularization and application of mine high density resistivity method in coal mine. 但井下存在全空間場(chǎng)、巷道影響、干擾復雜的特殊性,制約了礦井高密度電阻率法在煤礦井下的推廣應用。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 這個(gè)概念是她理論的核心。
- This machine expanded the work scope enormously, used the workshop space effectively, the use effect has been more ideal. 該機極大地擴展了作業(yè)范圍,更為有效地利用了廠(chǎng)房空間,使用效果更加理想。
- Lens face is transparent, the object that glance, have enlarge the space, vision result that increases depth; And its flowing and shining surface, can cause the interior space effect like crystal. 鏡面是透明、反光的物體,有擴大空間、增加深度的視覺(jué)效果;而其平滑光亮的表面,可造成水晶般的室內空間效果。
- He was a military man to the core. 他是個(gè)地地道道的軍人。
- Can be added on to vertically; allows you to use wall space effectively and clears floor space. 可縱向拼接;使您能夠有效地利用墻壁空間,而且,不占用地面空間。
- Let's get to the core of the argument. 咱們進(jìn)入實(shí)質(zhì)性的辯論吧。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我們的要求的核心是言論自由。
- Lens face is the object that glance, have enlarge the space, vision result that increases depth; And its flowing and shining surface, can cause the interior space effect like crystal. 鏡面是反光的物體,有擴大空間、增加深度的視覺(jué)效果;而其平滑光亮的表面,可造成水晶般的室內空間效果。