- “它喜歡生活在陰涼的地方,軟土,石頭下面?!彼a充道。"It prefers to live in a cool retreat, soft soil, and below stones," he added.
- 中午,我們停下來(lái),在幾棵松樹(shù)下找了一塊陰涼的地方。At noon we stopped and found a shady place under some pine trees.
- 把軟片存放在陰涼的地方。Keep the film in a dark and cool place.
- 在這春意闌珊晴朗的早晨,居民有理由呆在墻后那塊陰涼的地方。On this bright morning of ripened spring, the residents had reason to prefer the shady side of the wall.
- 孩子們被帶到一個(gè)安全的地方。The children were led to a place of safety.
- 只有一條棉口水蛇不速而來(lái)才會(huì )使我們不敢在笨驢口陰涼的水里游泳。The intrusion of a cottonmouth was the only thing that could separate us from the cool waters of Jackass Junction
- 那兒有羊吃過(guò)草的平整的地方。There were smooth areas where sheep had pastured.
- 天氣好的時(shí)候公園是人們愛(ài)去的地方。A park is a place of popular resort in good weather.
- 陰涼的shady and cool
- 在這個(gè)可怕的地方呆了將近4個(gè)星期的時(shí)間,我完全依靠自己的力量生活。During nearly for weeks in this glorious place I have lived on my own hump.
- 吊車(chē)吊起小汽車(chē)放到安全的地方。The crane uplifted the car and moved it to a safer place.
- 滋生的地方,生長(cháng)處在活的有機物中細菌滋長(cháng)的中心點(diǎn)或聚集地A central point or focus of bacterial growth in a living organism.
- 托馬斯·赫德森把酒杯放回陰涼的角落里,站了起來(lái)。Thomas Hudson put the drink down in the shade and stood up.
- 我們住的地方聽(tīng)得見(jiàn)工廠(chǎng)汽笛聲。We live within earstot of the factory whistle.
- 有暫存大衣的地方嗎?Is there a place we can check in our coats?
- 我在希臘島上尋找一個(gè)陰涼的海邊小餐館,準備喝一下冷飲。I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront cafe on a Greek island.
- 把所有的藥放在孩子們拿不到的地方。Keep all medicines out of reach of children.
- 你衣服上補過(guò)的地方幾乎看不出來(lái)。The mend in your dress scarcely shows.
- 這家咖啡館是他經(jīng)常出入的地方。This coffee shop is one of his haunts.
- 我們折回我們出發(fā)的地方。We retraced our steps to where we started.