Raise the management management level of the business enterprise. 提高企業(yè)的經(jīng)營(yíng)管理水平。
It is very important to improve the management level in the high seminary. 它的成功實(shí)現對提高高校的學(xué)生管理水平具有非常重要的意義。
Data dynamic exchange between process consol level and control management level is implemented by serial cormmnication. 過(guò)程控制級和控制管理級之間以串行通信方法實(shí)現動(dòng)態(tài)數據交換。
Changing of alarm and control levels on analogue signals and controllers. 改變模擬信號和控制器的警報及控制水平。
However, the level of control depends on the intended use and determines whether or not it should be calibrated or validated. 但是,對這些監視和測量裝置的控制水平取決于它的意向用途和是否需要加以校準或確認來(lái)確定的。