- The autopilot system also provides a control input. 自動(dòng)駕駛系統也可提供控制輸入。
- The situations of radom and nonradom input vector are respectively studied. 分別對輸入是隨機量與非隨機量進(jìn)行了研究。
- Xiaotao Chang, Dongrui Fan, Yinhe Han, Zhimin Zhang. "Fast Algorithm for Leakage Power Reduction by Input Vector Control". The 6th IEEE International Conference on ASIC (Asicon2005) , October 24-27, 2005, Shanghai, China. 常曉濤,范東睿等,“應用輸入向量控制技術(shù)降低漏電功耗的快速算法”,計算機研究與發(fā)展,2006年43卷5期,(946-952)。
- In case of a single input vector all the output matrices are optional and the predicted value is returned by the method. 對單個(gè)輸入向量,所有的輸出矩陣是可選的,而且預測值將由該方法返回。
- Classification can be used to forecast. The output of classification is discrete class label. Based on different input vector, forecast relevant output vector. 分類(lèi)可很好的用于預測,分類(lèi)的輸出是離散的類(lèi)別值,可針對不同的輸入向量,預測相應的輸出向量。
- In order to improve the quality and decrease the data points number of the input vector of an artificial neural network(ANN),the stepwise regression analysis(SRA) was used. 本文首先用逐步回歸分析法對三組分稀土元素的重疊色譜數據進(jìn)行篩選,提高數據的顯著(zhù)性,減少數據量,然后用BP模型的人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )進(jìn)行訓練與預測,對重疊色譜峰中的各組分含量進(jìn)行了定量分析。
- Control-constraint LMI representation is obtained taking account of upper bound on Euclidian 2-norm of control input. 考慮被控對象控制向量 2范數上界 ,得到控制受約束的LMI表述。
- Used as input vector of radius basis function (RBF) neutral network, the wear debris shapes were divided into four classes: regular, irregular, circular and elongated. 然后以提取的形狀特征為輸入矢量,利用徑向基函數神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )對磨粒形狀進(jìn)行分類(lèi)識別。
- Spoolers can also control input or output sequences in accord with a preprogrammed specification of priorities. 假脫機程序可按預先編程的優(yōu)先權說(shuō)明控制輸入或輸出的順序。
- Subcircuits of control input,level translation,analog switch transistor and static protection are described in detail. 其內部電路設計有控制輸入級、電平轉換級、高速模擬開(kāi)關(guān)管及靜電保護電路。
- By using PSO method, the optimal control input signal is obtained and the optimal trajectory of the nonholonomic motion planning can be found. 利用粒子群算法確定最優(yōu)控制輸入信號,得到了系統非完整運動(dòng)的優(yōu)化軌跡。
- This revision of the control input will greatly compensate the gain attenuation and phase delay, and the error of the machined part will be decreased. 將求得的輸入控制量輸入到伺服刀架模型中,可以達到補償幅值衰減和相位滯后的目的,同時(shí)可以估計非圓加工的形狀誤差。
- This response is then used by the optimization algorithm to tune the input vector in such a way that the system produces the desired output or target value in an iterative process. 這種反應,然后用優(yōu)化算法調整的輸入向量的方式,該系統產(chǎn)生所需的輸出或目標價(jià)值的一個(gè)重復過(guò)程。
- PIO happens when a pilot adjusts his pitch too much too quickly, then makes a countering control input to bring the pitch back. 先鋒當一個(gè)試點(diǎn)調整其攤位太多太快,然后提出了打擊控制輸入,使球場(chǎng)回來(lái)。
- Three Control Input 1, 2 and 3 can be used either to switch between several pre-set XRII fields or to control linearly the G1, G2 and G3 electrode voltages of the XRII. 三個(gè)控制輸入端1,2和3能在一些預先設定的X線(xiàn)影像增強器視野之間轉換并且線(xiàn)性地控制X線(xiàn)影像增強器G1,G2和G3極的電壓。
- NET2003 standards TextBox and ComboBox control alternatives, spent mainly on the information management system, it can be used better in TextBox and the ComboBox control input. NET2003標準TextBox和ComboBox控件的替代,主要用在各信息管理系統中,使用它可以可以更好得控制TextBox和ComboBox的輸入。-order to better learn VB.
- Basin M, Rodriguez-Gonzalez J, Martinez-Zuniga R. Optimal control for linear systems with time delay in control input [EB]. www. ElsevierMathematics. com. 2004 - 12. 唐功友;王芳.;具有小時(shí)滯的線(xiàn)性大系統的次優(yōu)控制[J]
- For edge areas, the input vectors are quantized with large-size codebook to maintain the image quality. 對于邊緣區域,用較大的碼書(shū)去量化當前輸入矢量以保證圖像質(zhì)量。
- The apparatus includes a trial-run-mode controller and a control input & state display unit. 該設備包括試運行模式控制器和控制輸入及狀態(tài)顯示單元。
- A ne ural architecture was given to process fuzzy input vectors and output fuzzy valu e. 為了處理模糊語(yǔ)言值,提出了一種能夠控制模糊輸入矢量的神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )體系結構。