- To fix strips of maetal on the coiled material and then to smear the sealed plaster. 卷材收頭,原則上采用金屬壓條加鋼釘在預留凹槽內固定并用專(zhuān)用密封膏密封。
- Smearing the basic surface disposing pharmaceutical one layer.When it becomes dry,to affix the coiled material on it. 涂刷一遍專(zhuān)用基層處理劑待干燥后方可粘貼卷材。
- Smearing the basic surface disposing pharmaceutical one layer. When it becomes dry, to affix the coiled material on it. 涂刷一遍專(zhuān)用基層處理劑待干燥后方可粘貼卷材。
- More and more leakproof practices demonstrate that leakproofly coiled material is an ideal method to prevent leakage in Salt Lake mining engineering. 越來(lái)越多的防滲實(shí)現證明,卷材防滲是鹽湖開(kāi)采工程理想的防滲方式。
- Scale models of SuperCasterPlus for aluminium and an Annealing and Pickling Line for stainless steel - Animated panel showing a Continuous Coil Coating Line. 超型改進(jìn)型鑄軋機模型;不銹鋼退火酸洗機組模型以及連續彩涂機組動(dòng)畫(huà)模型.
- Wire end from the final block is taken to the continuous coiler. 將最后一個(gè)鼓輪伸出的金屬絲端纏于連續纏卷裝置。
- The coil material can be stacked, reducing feeding time and saving coil changing time. 卷料積材可重疊放置,減少填料次數,節省換料時(shí)間。
- Thus continuous coiler unwinds the wire from immediately preceding block to give a dead cast coil. 這樣連續纏卷裝置能展開(kāi)剛剛從前一鼓輪處獲得的金屬線(xiàn),并將其固定纏繞。
- According to the bulge, leakage and other problems encountered in coiled material waterproofing work based upon analysis corresponding preventive measures and treatment methods are proposed. 針對卷材防水整體被風(fēng)刮起、鼓包、多次滲漏、局部被扎漏等問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了分析,提出了相應的預防措施和出現問(wèn)題后的處理方法,通過(guò)實(shí)際應用,達到了預期的效果。
- Continuous coiler is used to get the non-stop production in a wire drawing plant. 連續纏卷裝置令拉絲工廠(chǎng)生產(chǎn)連貫。
- The water-proof ethoyl-propyl-buty rubber coiled materials have been used in building high-grade building such as Beijing Asian Games Stadiums. 三元乙丙丁基橡膠防水卷材,用于北京亞運會(huì )場(chǎng)館等高檔建筑;
- Overlapping joint of coiled material 卷材搭接縫
- One of the key factors to ensure the leakproof effects of leakproofly coiled materials is to select optimum coiled materials in the light of project's specific property. 確保卷材防滲效果的關(guān)鍵之一是根據工程特性?xún)?yōu)選防滲卷材。
- SBS improved bituminous coiled material SBS改性瀝青防水卷材
- PVC coiled material waterproofer PVC卷材防水
- waterproof roofing with coiled material 卷材防水
- composite water-proof coiled material 復合式防水卷材
- The material is flawed throughout. 這種材料到處是裂縫。
- AU3 waterproofing coiled material AU3防水卷材
- She coiled her hair at the back of her head. 她把頭發(fā)盤(pán)在腦后。