- A recipient entity refers to the consignee or consignor specified in the purchase contract and shipping invoice. 收貨單位,是指購貨合同和貨運發(fā)票中載明的收貨人或者貨主。
- And the consignee or consignor shall make customs declaration in the form of a customs declaration form. 收發(fā)貨人應當以報關(guān)單方式向海關(guān)申報。
- Where deemed necessary, the Customs may examine, re-examine the goods or take samples in the absence of the consignee or consignor. 海關(guān)認為必要時(shí),可以徑行開(kāi)驗、復驗或者提取貨樣。
- Upon the application of the consignee or consignor and being approved by the Customs General Administration, import or export goods may be exempted from examination. 經(jīng)收發(fā)貨人申請,海關(guān)總署批準,其進(jìn)出口貨物可以免驗。
- All the above invoices and papers shall be signed and stamped by the consignee or consignor or his agent to affirm their authenticity. 前款各項單證應當由貨物的收發(fā)貨人或者他們的代理人簽印證明無(wú)訛。
- Import and export commodities specified in the first paragraph of this Article may be exempted from inspection upon the examination and approval of an application from the consignee or consignor by the State Administration for Commodity Inspection. 本條第一款規定的進(jìn)出口商品,經(jīng)收貨人、發(fā)貨人申請,國家商檢部門(mén)審查批準,可以免予檢驗。
- Article 22 When the Customs carries out an investigation on the suspected infringing goods under detention and other details of the case, both the holder of the intellectual property right and the consignee or consignor shall provide cooperation. 第二十二條海關(guān)對被扣留的侵權嫌疑貨物及有關(guān)情況進(jìn)行調查時(shí),知識產(chǎn)權權利人和收貨人或者發(fā)貨人應當予以配合。
- "A batch" means the goods of the same commodity name, which come or are carried to the same place, or the same consignee or consignor at the same time with the same means of transportation. “一批”是指同一品名在同一時(shí)間,以同一個(gè)運輸工具,來(lái)自或運往同一地點(diǎn),同一收貨、發(fā)貨人的貨物。
- Article 8.Customs duties shall be levied on imports or exports at the tariff rates obtaining on the date of declaration for imports or exports by the consignee or consignor or his agent. 第八條進(jìn)出口貨物,應當按照收發(fā)貨人或者他們的代理人申報進(jìn)口或者出口之日實(shí)施的稅率征稅。
- When the shipped bulk import liquid commodities are declared for the weight survey by ship cabin, the consignee or consignor shall also make a declaration for dry/empty cabin appraisal. 船運進(jìn)口散裝液體商品在申報船艙計重時(shí),收發(fā)貨人應當同時(shí)申報干艙鑒定項目。
- The inspection records shall be affirmed by the signature of the consignee or consigner of imported and exported goods or the agent thereof who is present. 查驗記錄應當由在場(chǎng)的進(jìn)出口貨物收發(fā)貨人或者其代理人簽名確認。
- No consignor or consignee or his agent may refuse to provide relevant materials to the customs house under the pretext of business secret. 收發(fā)貨人或者其代理人不得以商業(yè)秘密為理由拒絕向海關(guān)提供有關(guān)資料。
- Fault on the part of the shipper, consignee or passenger concerned. (三)托運人、收貨人或者旅客的過(guò)錯。
- To dispatch or consign(a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. 寄送,托運派遣或寄送(例如船只)給代理商店或代理人
- Import and export goods may be exempted from examination if an application has been made by the consignee or consignor and approved By the General Administration of Customs 經(jīng)收發(fā)貨人申請,海關(guān)總署批準,其進(jìn)出口貨物可以免驗。
- To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. 寄送,托運:派遣或寄送(例如船只)給代理商店或代理人。
- the application of the consignee or consignor and being approved by the Customs General Administration, import or export goods may be exempted from examination. 第二十條除海關(guān)特準的外,進(jìn)出口貨物在收發(fā)貨人繳清稅款或者提供擔保后,由海關(guān)簽印放行。
- where the Customs is convinced that the consignee or consignor possesses ample evidence proving that his goods have not infringed the right of the holder of the intellectual property right. 四)海關(guān)認為收貨人或者發(fā)貨人有充分的證據證明其貨物未侵犯知識產(chǎn)權權利人的知識產(chǎn)權的。
- The act of dispatching or consigning a ship, as to an agent or a factor. 寄送,托運派遣或寄送船只給代理商店或代理人的行為