- No resistant strain to vancomycin and teicoplanin in Staphylococcus is found. 未發(fā)現萬(wàn)古霉素和替考拉寧耐藥的葡萄球菌;
- When the two were grown in cultures containing doxycycline the resistant strain, as expected, did better. 當兩個(gè)菌群都在脫氧土霉素的環(huán)境下生長(cháng)的時(shí)候,擁有抗藥性的菌群如期望中一樣活得很好。
- This is how resistant strains emerge. 這也就造成耐藥菌株的出現。
- The situation about drug resistance and the anti-biotic resistant strain test. 抗藥性情況及抗生素的耐藥菌株試驗。
- Objective To analyze the genetic characteristics of deltamethrin resistant strain of Anopheles anthropophagus. 目的對實(shí)驗室選育的嗜人按蚊抗溴氰菊酯品系進(jìn)行抗性遺傳特性分析。
- The RNA polymerase activity of H37Rv strain was strongly inhibited by RFD, but not that of the resistant strain. 提取及分析結核桿菌RNA聚合酶,發(fā)現敏感菌酶活性受利福定明顯抑制,耐藥菌酶活性則未見(jiàn)抑制。
- Pseudomonas fluorescens A46 was a phage resistant strain obtained from the mutation of the strain K1005 by using U. 熒光假單胞菌A46是通過(guò)紫外線(xiàn)誘變K1005菌株所得到的一株抗噬菌體菌株。
- B. In the cultures containing doxycycline, the resistant strain killed the sensitive ones. 在包含強力霉素的培養菌中,抗性品系殺死了敏感品系。
- Synergism of DEF PBO SV1 and S2 to fenvalerate were measured against susceptible and resistant strain of Helicoverpa armigera. 以敏感和抗性棉鈴蟲(chóng)為試蟲(chóng),比較測定了DEF、PBO、SV1 和S2 對氰戊菊酯的增效作用。
- If cases given therapeutically in stead of prophylactic, not only medical resources are wasted, resistant strain of the bacteria may be induced. 若預防性之給藥變成治療性的給藥,則不但浪費醫療資源,還有可能導致抗藥菌株之產(chǎn)生。
- Multi-drug resistant strains had no characteristic serotype. 對多種抗生素耐藥株無(wú)特定的血清型。
- The researchers also found that the resistant strain outgrew the non-resistant strain in the presence of low levels of disinfectant. 研究人員同時(shí)發(fā)現,在低濃度的消毒劑環(huán)境中,具有耐藥性的菌株生長(cháng)速度快于非耐藥性菌株。
- The resistant strain of peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) to imidacloprid was continuously selected by leaf-dip bioassay in the laboratory. 采用浸漬法;在室內用吡蟲(chóng)啉對桃蚜敏感種群進(jìn)行抗性選育;經(jīng)過(guò)15代的連續汰選;獲得抗性指數為14.;34倍的抗吡蟲(chóng)啉桃蚜種群。
- Travel is a significant factor. Malaria prevention varies by geographic region - ie is chloroquine resistant strain present or absent. 旅行是一個(gè)顯著(zhù)的因素。哺乳動(dòng)物的免疫能力與該種類(lèi)動(dòng)物的地域性有關(guān),
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 這種小麥可以在寒冷的春天生長(cháng)。
- But natural selection is a powerful force, and if the spread of the disease means they have to be used widely, a resistant strain of the virus could easily evolve. 但是自然選擇是一股強大的力量,如果說(shuō)疾病的傳播意味著(zhù)這種藥物被廣泛地應用,那么一種新的抗藥性病毒株很可能迅速出現。
- Two basic forms of the resistance strain gage are the bounded and the unbounded types. 電阻應變片有粘貼式和非粘貼式兩種基本形式。
- A good sign is that the people who had the resistant strain have not passed the disease on to other people, said David Reddy, leader of Roche's Tamiflu pandemic task force. 羅氏公司達菲流行特別部的DavidReddy說(shuō),好的方面是:這些感染抗藥株的患者并沒(méi)有將疾病傳給其他人。
- Using real-time quantitative PCR, mRNA expression levels of CYP6AE12 and CYP9A18 were compared between the resistant strain YS-FP (derived from a susceptible strain YS through laboratory selection) and the YS strain respectively. 用實(shí)時(shí)定量PCR技術(shù)分析了這2個(gè)基因在棉鈴蟲(chóng)YS敏感品系和YS-FP抗性品系(由氰戊菊酯加辛硫磷混劑篩選YS品系而得)6齡幼蟲(chóng)脂肪體和中腸中mRNA的表達水平。