- You have a golden opportunity to travel and learn. 你有一個(gè)旅游和學(xué)習的絕好機會(huì )。
- Mr. LO was a person with good conduct and behavior. 盧先生品行良好,言行得體,平易近人。
- Conduct and complete safety related rules in plant. 指導和完成各項公司安全規定。
- The professor is a paragon of virtue and learning. 這位教授堪稱(chēng)為人師表。
- I admire him for his bravery and learning. 我羨慕他膽識過(guò)人,學(xué)問(wèn)淵博。
- He is teaching French and learning Greek. 他在教法語(yǔ),又在學(xué)希臘語(yǔ)。
- The so-called Samurai Bushido is the code of conduct and ethics. 所謂武士道就是武士的道德和行為規范。
- Find the latest teaching and learning resources. 查找最新的教學(xué)資源和職業(yè)發(fā)展指南。
- He wholeheartedly admired his opponent's conduct and ability. 對手的為人和能力,令他心悅誠服。
- Kids'development and learning abilities vary. 孩子的成長(cháng)和學(xué)習能力不同。
- He is a man of culture and learning. 他是個(gè)很有學(xué)問(wèn)的人。
- It is important to try and learn from experience. 努力從經(jīng)驗中學(xué)習是重要的。
- It is time you left home and learnt to fend for yourself. 你應該離家自立了。
- Research is the lifeblood of science and learning. 研究乃科學(xué)與學(xué)問(wèn)之命脈。
- Do supervisors conduct and record random or regular physical head counts? 監督人員有否突擊或定期抽查工作人數,并加以記錄?
- Folly and learning often dwell together. 愚蠢與博學(xué)常相隨。
- One's abillity and learning surpass the average. 才學(xué)超群。
- The children were rewarded for good conduct and punished for bad conduct. 孩子們因行為好而受獎勵,因行為壞而受懲罰。
- Agree on learning methods and learning time. 約定好學(xué)習方式和學(xué)習時(shí)間。