- I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要購買(mǎi)過(guò)夜所需的用品。
- The need for that kind of books has petered out. 對那種書(shū)的需求逐漸消失了。
- They all did wrong, why single him out for punishment? 他們都有錯,為何單挑他來(lái)處分?
- They urged on us the need for cooperation. 他們向我們強調合作的必要性。
- There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的書(shū)法需要改進(jìn)。
- The ringleaders were marked out for punishment. 這些壞頭目注定要受到懲處。
- There's a great need for a new book on the subject. 非常需要有一本這方面的新書(shū)。
- He's just the person we need for the job. 他正是我們需要的做那種工作的人。
- He tried to set his companion up for punishment. 他試圖誣陷他的同伴,使其受到懲罰。
- There is a need for greater unity in the party. 黨內有必要加強團結。
- He was singled out for punishment. 他被單挑出來(lái)受罰。
- There is still need for profit restraint. 現在仍有必要限制利潤。
- They often possess a compulsive need to know the why of all they experience. 他們往往具有強迫所有需要知道為什么他們的經(jīng)驗。
- People think I'm a sucker for punishment. 人們認為我是很容易因(怕)罰而被拉攏的人。
- I instilled the need for kindness into my children. 我不斷向孩子們灌輸仁慈的必要。
- They marked him down for punishment. 他們選中他作為懲罰對象。
- The focal point of our discussion was the need for action. 我們討論的中心是采取行動(dòng)的必要性。
- Why single him out for punishment? 為什么挑出他給予懲罰?
- Experiencing a desire or need for food. 饑餓的感到食欲或進(jìn)食的要求的
- I overestimated the amount of milk we'd need for the weekend. 我過(guò)高估計了我們周末的用奶量。