The technology of producing APT in Ganzhou is the most advanced in the world.Its technology of scheelite recovery and the mixed flotation dressing has been popularized. 贛州的仲鎢酸銨生產(chǎn)技術(shù)居世界領(lǐng)先地位,白鎢綜合回收技術(shù)和黑白鎢混合礦浮選技術(shù)得到推廣。
The author introduced the research results and production practices of comprehensive recovery for the zinc-gold intergrowth ore from a zinc mine in Yongtai,Fujian. 介紹了福建省永泰縣某鋅礦綜合回收的工藝研究結果和生產(chǎn)應用實(shí)踐。