- He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence. 有人慫恿他供認犯了那個(gè)較輕的罪行。
- Myers is the first high-ranking employee in WorldCom to plead guilty. 邁爾斯是世界通訊的員工中,第一位坦承有罪的高階主管。
- In the face of so much evidence, the thief was forced to plead guilty. 在大量證據面前,那個(gè)小偷不得不低頭認罪。
- In the face of so much evidence,the thief was forced to plead guilty. 在大量證據面前,那個(gè)小偷不得不低頭認罪。
- Wen Ho Lee to plead guilty on one count of mishandling classified information. 李文和承認不當處理機密資料。
- Confronted with ironclad evidence the scoundrel had to plead guilty. 鐵證如山,那個(gè)壞家伙不得不低頭認罪。
- To plead guilty to a lesser charge so as to avoid standing trial for a more serious charge. 坦白從寬承認有罪以求輕判并避免遭受較為嚴重的懲罰
- Former NBA and Virginia star Ralph Sampson has agreed to plead guilty to mail fraud and serve two months in jail. 前NBA球星、弗吉尼亞球星拉爾夫·辛普森同意服罪,因郵件欺詐他將入獄兩月。
- The Idaho Senator denies those allegations and calls his decision to plead guilty to a lesser charge a mistake. 而克瑞格否認所指控的罪行,欲將其歸咎為一個(gè)小錯誤。
- A Pfizer division, Pharmacia &&Upjohn, agreed to plead guilty to a criminal violation over the painkiller Bextra. 輝瑞公司分公司,法瑪西亞普強公司承認了濫用止痛藥伐地考昔的罪名。
- Pfizer division, Pharmacia &Upjohn, agreed to plead guilty to a criminal violation over the painkiller Bextra. 輝瑞制藥一個(gè)事業(yè)部(法瑪西亞-普強公司)就止痛藥伐地考昔的違犯刑法承認有罪。
- A Pfizer division, Pharmacia & Upjohn, agreed to plead guilty to a criminal violation over the painkiller Bextra. 輝瑞公司分公司法瑪西亞普強公司承認了濫用止痛藥伐地考昔的罪名。
- To plead guilty with an explanation: Attend the court office within the times and days shown. 這個(gè)好像不是“出庭”。只是到“法庭辦公室”去解釋?zhuān)磕康哪??減少罰款額?有可能免于罰款嗎?
- Christopher Crowe, 25, was in court recently to plead guilty to four felony counts including residential entry and domestic battery. 25歲的克里斯多佛近日在法庭承認自己所犯下的4項重罪,其中包括私闖民宅和家庭暴力。
- A Pfizer devisiondivision, Pharmacia & Upjohnagree , agreed to plead guilty to a criminal violation over the painkiller Bextra. 輝瑞公司的分公司瑪西亞普強公司承認其非法銷(xiāo)售止痛藥伐地考譜。
- An added inflexibility on sentence - as with all mandatory minimums - amounts to a disincentive to accused persons to plead guilty. 一級謀殺規定了最低服刑年限至少25年---這將使得被指控的人難以輕易認罪。
- If you receive a traffic ticket, you normally have the option to plead guilty or no contest and accept the consequences, or plead not guilty and fight the ticket in court. 如果你接到一張交通罰單,你通常有權選擇服罪或者不予辯駁,接受事實(shí),或者不服罪,進(jìn)行法庭辯論。
- They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case. 他們聘請了能請到的最好的律師為他們陳述案情。
- Bernard Madoff now prepared to plead guilty to operating the biggest investment fraud in history, a plea that could carry a sentence of up to 150 years in prison. 伯納德.;麥道夫現在準備承認操控史上最大的投資詐騙案的罪名,這個(gè)罪名將得到長(cháng)達150年牢獄的判決。
- Zhang captured the assistance of the accused accomplice Liu, a meritorious performance, and better attitude to plead guilty, according to the law to reduce the punishment. 被告人張某協(xié)助抓獲同案犯劉某,有立功表現,且認罪態(tài)度較好,依法予以減輕處罰。