- An operator at a telephone exchange. 電話(huà)局的接線(xiàn)員
- Our nervous system can be likened to a telephone exchange. 我們的神經(jīng)系統好比一部電話(huà)交換機。
- An operator wearing earphone was sitting in the telephone exchange. 戴耳機的接線(xiàn)員正坐在總機室里。
- The nervous system can be likened to a telephone exchange. 神經(jīng)系統好比一部電話(huà)交換機。
- The new switchboard shares much of the workload of the telephone exchange. 這臺新式交換機大大的減少了交換臺的工作量。
- High performance communication telephone line, data line filters. 高性能通信電話(huà)及數據濾波器。
- In a Centrex-based telephony system, the telephone company's central office acts as the telephone exchange. 在基于Centrex的電話(huà)系統中,電話(huà)公司的中央辦公室是電話(huà)交換的中心。
- Our nervous system can be likened to a telephone exchanger. 我們的神經(jīng)系統好比一部電話(huà)交換機。
- A private telephone exchange that automatically connects internal "branch" lines to the external circuits of a telephone system. 一種自動(dòng)地將內部用戶(hù)線(xiàn)連接到電話(huà)系統外線(xiàn)的專(zhuān)用電話(huà)交換機。
- For example, with Centrex, the telephone exchange or telephone company's central office knows which extensions are internal. 例如,使用Centrex,電話(huà)交換機或電話(huà)公司的中央辦公室將知道哪些分機是內部分機。
- Invention of 1,000 line switch with disc bank having ten concentric rows of line contacts. Not used commercially. Formation of Strowger Automatic Telephone Exchange. 發(fā)明1,000尋線(xiàn)機,其排線(xiàn)架擁有10排線(xiàn)路連接。但是并沒(méi)有投入商業(yè)使用。史端喬式自動(dòng)電話(huà)交換機形成。
- The CCITT High-Level Programming Language--CHILL is the standard programming language which is used for Stored Program Control(SPC)telephone exchange. CCITT高級程序設計語(yǔ)言CHILL是用于存儲程序控制(SPC)電話(huà)交換機的標準程序設計語(yǔ)言本文選取并實(shí)現了一個(gè)實(shí)用的CHILL子集,命名為Mini-CHILL。
- The main attemper telephone is a special purview telephone and have the function of telephone exchange and office telephone. 主調度話(huà)機作為一個(gè)特殊權限的編程話(huà)機,具有話(huà)務(wù)總機及辦公電話(huà)的一切功能。
- The Puskas brothers were planning to construct a telephone exchange in Budapest using Edison's improved telephone design. 普斯卡兄弟計畫(huà)使用愛(ài)迪生對于電話(huà)的改良設計,在布達佩斯建造電話(huà)交換機。
- Too often I have made the mistake of sending an irritable response, which will have festered and angered the other end much more than a difficult telephone exchange. 我就時(shí)常犯這樣的錯誤:發(fā)出的郵件令收件人火冒三丈,其受刺激的程度遠勝于一次艱難的電話(huà)通話(huà)。
- They should not be relied upon to provide an error free method of relaying tone signalling to other decoders, such as a telephone exchange DTMF detector, for example. 它不應該被依賴(lài)用做提供一種無(wú)錯的傳送方法,傳送雙音頻信號到另一解碼器。例如:電話(huà)交換機的DTMF偵察器。
- SPC exchanges have accounted for 99.8% of the country central office telephone exchanges and 99.6% of long distance transmission has been digitized. 全國局用交換機程控化比重達到99.;8%25,長(cháng)途傳輸數字化比重達到99
- By the end of 1998,the home-made exchanges had constituted 98% of all the newly added telephone exchange capacity. 到1998年底,通信網(wǎng)新增電話(huà)交換機中,國內生產(chǎn)設備的比重已達到98%25。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我們社區在野生動(dòng)物保護方面走在前頭。
- Australia's first Stock Exchange(1861), telephone exchange (1880), electric lamps (1882), cable trams (1885) and other advances, including the first "test tube" baby (1980), all occurred in Melbourne. 澳大利亞最早建立的證券交易所(1861年)、電話(huà)局(1880年)、電燈廠(chǎng)(1882年)、電車(chē)公司(1885年)以及其他先進(jìn)設施,包括第一個(gè)試管嬰兒(1980年),都出現在墨爾本。