- In concentrating his attention on Manchuria, Bullitt declared that Communist forces in North China were guerrillas. 他把注意力集中在滿(mǎn)州,竟宣稱(chēng)華北的共軍無(wú)非是游擊隊而已。
- This causes the Nationalists to redeploy forces, relieving pressure against Communist forces in Shandong and elsewhere. 這導致了國民黨不得不重新排兵布陣,從而減輕了對山東和其他地區共軍的壓力。
- The term used for them by the U.S. and other English-speaking forces was “CCF” or “Chinese Communist Forces. 美軍和其它一些說(shuō)英語(yǔ)的軍隊用“CCF”或者是“中國共產(chǎn)主義軍隊”這樣一個(gè)詞來(lái)稱(chēng)呼他們。
- It's early 1949, China's in the endgame of its civil war and Mao Zedong's communist forces are poised to take Beijing. 1949年初,中國處于內戰的最后階段,毛澤東的共產(chǎn)主義軍隊準備攻占北京。
- In 1949 Mao Zedong's communist forces prevailed, introducing China to years of tyranny and misgovernment from which it is only now recovering. 1949年,毛澤東的共產(chǎn)黨大獲全勝,給中國帶來(lái)了多年的專(zhuān)制與惡政,這一切直到如今才有所改觀(guān)。
- After Mao Zedong and his communist forces played a big role in defeating the invaders, he then turned on Chiang in 1946. 毛澤東和他的共產(chǎn)黨人力量對抗日戰爭的勝利起到了很重要的角色,他在1946年對蔣宣戰。
- Vang Pao and many members of the Hmong ethnic minority fought as U.S.-backed guerillas in Laos, but were all but abandoned when the country fell to communist forces in 1975. 王寶和許多成員苗族少數民族斗爭作為美國支持的游擊隊在老撾,但都放棄了,但當時(shí)該國下降到1975年的共產(chǎn)主義勢力。
- It was very obvious, as I wrote at the time, "Communist forces will eventually drive Chiang's forces out of Manchuria or annihilate them where they stand. 我當時(shí)曾寫(xiě)到,顯然,“共軍最后一定會(huì )把蔣軍趕出滿(mǎn)洲或就地殲滅”。
- She's a member of the Communist Party. 她是共產(chǎn)黨員。
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 龐大的空軍和海軍部隊開(kāi)始行動(dòng)了。
- Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat. 分散兵力是導致失敗的原因。
- His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. 他的所有制觀(guān)點(diǎn)源自共產(chǎn)主義思想。
- CPC stands for the Communist Party of China. CPC是中國共產(chǎn)黨的英文名稱(chēng)縮寫(xiě)。
- He got the crackpot that the president was a communist. 他瘋狂地以為總統是共產(chǎn)黨員。
- Air pressure forces the water through the pipe. 空氣壓力使水通過(guò)管道。
- The rebellion was crushed by government forces. 政府軍已把叛亂鎮壓下去。
- In a short period of time he grew into a great communist fighter. 在很短時(shí)期中,他成長(cháng)為一名偉大的共產(chǎn)產(chǎn)義戰士。
- The forces met with strong opposition. 軍隊遇到強烈的抵抗。
- In 1949 the communists forced Chiang and his followers to flee to Taiwan, declared the People's Republic, and spent the next year solidifying their hold on the mainland. 1949年共產(chǎn)黨把蔣介石和他的跟隨者趕到了臺灣,宣布了中華人民共和國的成立,并在接下來(lái)的一年里在大陸鞏固了他們的統治。
- Our ultimate aim is to bring about a communist society. 我們的最終目的是實(shí)現共產(chǎn)主義社會(huì )。