- Other a few manufacturers, for example Microsoft, the test program that is in reappraisal company, and Netscape communication company is developing new test program. 其它一些廠(chǎng)商,例如微軟公司,正在重新評價(jià)公司的測試程序,而 Netscape 通信公司則在開(kāi)發(fā)新的測試程序。
- The latest wrongdoing happened at the huge communications company WorldCom. 最近一起發(fā)生在大型通信公司??世界通信身上。
- The research for strategic development of the Liaoning communication company can provide the decision making reference not only for actual telecommunication operator but also for the enterprise in telecommunication industry. 戰略是動(dòng)態(tài)的,重在實(shí)施效果,對遼寧通信競爭戰略的研究不僅能為現實(shí)的電信運營(yíng)商提供競爭戰略選擇的依據,同時(shí)對與電信行業(yè)相關(guān)的同類(lèi)型企業(yè)也具有借鑒作用。
- So, the correctness of the strategy for HRM (human resource management) is the key factor deciding the survival and development of the Communication Company of Tarim Basin oil field. 因此,塔里木油田通信公司企業(yè)人力資源管理戰略正確與否,就成為決定塔罩木油田通信公司生存與發(fā)展的重要因素。
- The most important national communications company said today that it plans to buy out one of its three shareholders. 這家國有通信公司是業(yè)內的龍頭企業(yè),共有三大股東,今天它宣布計劃收購其中一位股東的股份。
- Warburg Communications (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. of Taiwan investors to set up Warburg Communications Company. 華寶通訊(南京)有限公司系臺灣華寶通訊股份有限公司投資成立。
- Local cable television and communication companies also conducted interviews, filmed the activities, and broadcasted reports of the events. 當地幾家有線(xiàn)電視及傳播公司亦前來(lái)采訪(fǎng)及做詳細的播報。
- MKM Communications - Shanghai Business Review (SBR)MKM Communications, a western management advertising and communications company. 上海中源之窗廣告有限公司,一家采用西方管理模式的廣告公司。
- Philippines Communication Company 菲律賓通信公司
- According to the investigation of the American RAND Corporation , scandals about the world famous companies such as Enron、Andersen、the World Communication Company are always being heard. 據美國蘭德公司的調查,安然、安達信、世界通信等著(zhù)名公司丑聞不斷、轟然倒塌的根本原因是這些公司的責任意識崩潰、企業(yè)倫理泯滅,以致貪婪和欺詐盛行,誠信蕩然無(wú)存。收藏指正
- Dunne is founder and president of Automotive Resources Asia Ltd, a market strategy and communications company that specializes in Asian automotive markets. 本文作者是一家專(zhuān)門(mén)研究亞洲汽車(chē)市場(chǎng)的市場(chǎng)策略和溝通公司,亞洲汽車(chē)資源有限公司的總裁和創(chuàng )始人。
- Provides services and capacity to other communications companies in Bahrain . 提供服務(wù)的能力和其它通信公司巴林.
- Dunne is founder and president of Automotive Resources Asia Ltd., a market strategy and communications company that specializes in Asian automotive markets. 奇瑞的早于預期的對美國市場(chǎng)的進(jìn)入可能成功也可能失敗.;但我們會(huì )看到奇瑞很快不會(huì )再是一只紙老虎了
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一種在通信信道上反射回來(lái)的信號。
- At former network of China communication companies and China Telecom the North ten recombinate and communicate the group company for China network together . 與原中國網(wǎng)絡(luò )通信公司及中國電信北方十省市公司一起重組為中國網(wǎng)絡(luò )通信集團公司。
- I am in communication with him on this subject. 關(guān)于這問(wèn)題,我正和他交換意見(jiàn)。
- The essence of language is communication. 語(yǔ)言的本質(zhì)是溝通。
- McGauchie said: “Sol’s vision, strategic direction and commitment to execution have positioned Telstra as a media communications company with a wide range of options for ongoing growth. 高奇說(shuō): “索爾的遠景,戰略方向和承諾執行Telstra公司已定位為媒體通訊公司,擁有廣泛的選擇范圍的不斷增長(cháng)。
- Language is an instrument for communication. 語(yǔ)言是交際的手段。
- We had a discussion on language and communication. 我們就語(yǔ)言和交際問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了討論。