- That's a common theme of modern literature. 那是現代文學(xué)的一個(gè)普遍主題。
- A common theme in horror stories is of a monstrous creature raised by supernatural power from the dead. 恐怖故事中的一個(gè)共同主題是關(guān)于一個(gè)由超自然的力量使之從死亡中復活過(guò)來(lái)的怪物。
- That's a common theme of modem literature. 那是現代文學(xué)的一個(gè)普遍主題。
- Love is the most common theme in pop songs. 愛(ài)情是流行歌曲里最常見(jiàn)的主題。
- Love is a common theme of ballads; another common theme of ballads is courage. 愛(ài)情是民謠中常見(jiàn)的主題,另一個(gè)常見(jiàn)的主題是勇氣。
- A common theme in V.S. Naipaul's work is the trauma of change in the postcolonial developing world. 奈波爾作品中常見(jiàn)的主題為后殖民開(kāi)發(fā)中世界變遷后遺留的創(chuàng )傷。
- A theme park is a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions that are based on a common theme. 主題公園是娛樂(lè )交通工具、展覽會(huì )和其他基于共同主題的一個(gè)集合體。
- A common theme in horror stories is of a monstrous creature raised by supernatural power from the. 恐怖故事中的一個(gè)共同主題是關(guān)于一個(gè)由超自然的力量使之從死亡中復活過(guò)來(lái)的怪物。
- In the inchoate adornment that waits for an area in Persia, Yaxiliya, Egypt, the eagle is common theme already. 在波斯、亞西利亞、埃及等地區的早期裝飾中,鷹早已是常見(jiàn)的主題。
- A theme park is a collection of rides, exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme. 主題公園是圍繞一個(gè)共同主題所建立的集車(chē)乘展覽等吸引人的項目為一體的公園。
- The common theme of his legislative efforts was help for the poor and dispossessed. 他所參與的立法工作具有一個(gè)共同的主題,那就是為窮人和無(wú)依無(wú)靠的人群提供幫助。
- But limited access to consumer credit and the common theme of uncertainty for the future are conspiring to prevent any recovery in the U.S. as well. 但有限的接觸和消費信貸的共同主題的不確定性對未來(lái)的陰謀,以防止任何的復蘇以及美國.
- Consciously or unconsciously an exploration of our relationship with food and shelter is a common theme underlying many art works. 實(shí)際上,生存本能常常促進(jìn)藝術(shù)家的創(chuàng )作,有意或無(wú)意中,對人類(lèi)和養料及庇護所之間關(guān)系的探索成為許多藝術(shù)作品的常見(jiàn)主題,后者的形象反復出現。
- Other common themes are social fragmentation and transience. 其他常見(jiàn)的主題是社會(huì )分裂和無(wú)常。
- Her" philosophy of love" has become the common theme of many women writers in Taiwan since1950' s, and her elegant, lucid and tender style is also imitated and inherited. 其“愛(ài)的哲學(xué)”是50年代以降臺灣眾多女作家創(chuàng )作的共同主題;其典雅清麗、婉溫柔的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格,臺灣女作家也多有繼承和借鑒。
- Particular specializations that categorize activities and guidance within a process according to a common theme; these may relate to one or to many roles. 根據公共主題將過(guò)程內的活動(dòng)和指南進(jìn)行分類(lèi)的特殊專(zhuān)門(mén)化;它們可能與一個(gè)或多個(gè)角色相關(guān)。
- The static collage juxtaposes variant narrative fragments attached with different headlines to expound a common theme through the heterogeneity of style and content. 靜態(tài)拼貼則將不同的敘述片段用標題的形式并置在一起,以文全與內容的異質(zhì)性表現共同的主題。
- The novels One Hundred Years of Solitude and Chinese contemporary novel September's Fable share the common theme, that is, contradiction between the old and the new civilization. 在《百年孤獨》與《九月寓言》中,蘊含著(zhù)新舊文明沖突的共同主題。 這一主題可以分為四個(gè)層次進(jìn)行分析:先進(jìn)文明殘酷侵略、掠奪落后文明,吞噬落后文明;
- A common theme in much of their work was the adverse effects of high unemployment and low utilization of the capital stock on investment and, therefore , on productivity growth. 我是這樣翻譯的:他們工作中的一個(gè)共同主題就是在投資和生產(chǎn)力增長(cháng)過(guò)程中股本的高閑置率和低利用率兩者之間的相反作用。
- A common theme of the medieval stories attribute Jesus as a fearless and carefree child who innocently gets into mischief that inexorably led to his playmates' demise. 中世紀故事加于耶穌主題的共同特征是一個(gè)無(wú)畏和無(wú)憂(yōu)無(wú)慮的孩子,純潔地進(jìn)入惡作劇里面,無(wú)情地引致他的玩伴死亡。