- The authorrecommend the Privity of contract、Primary beneficiary theory、Known thirdparties and Forseen persons etc.that applied in the common law country. 接著(zhù)指出在我國,對注冊會(huì )計師獨立審計法律責任的追究普遍存在著(zhù)重行政責任和刑事責任,輕民事責任的現象。
- Common law countries do not attempt to anticipate all areas in the application of a law by writing it to cover every foreseeable situation. 世界上主要有兩大法系,一個(gè)是以美,英為代表的普通法系,另一個(gè)是以法,德為代表的大陸法系。
- Limited liability partnerships are immensely popular with professional and consultancy firms in common law countries, such as legal and auditing firms. 在普通法系國家,有限責任合伙備受專(zhuān)業(yè)機構和咨詢(xún)公司的青睞,律師事務(wù)所和會(huì )計師事務(wù)所的組織形式便是例證。
- Legal English is a special mode of expression and norm developed by a long practice of judicature in common law countries and has its own special features. 摘要法律英語(yǔ)是普通法國家經(jīng)過(guò)長(cháng)期的司法實(shí)踐逐步形成的自己所特有的表達模式和規范,它具有很強的專(zhuān)業(yè)特色。
- Although the doctrine has been applied in judicial practice of common law countries, Germany and France and some other states, there exist many disputes about its application. 該理論在英美法系國家以及德國、法國等國的司法實(shí)踐中多有運用,但關(guān)于其適用及其適用范圍尚存諸多爭議。
- In the Common Law countries,law not only includes constitution,statutes,but also case law which may become part of the body of law having binding effect. 在普通法系的國家中,法律不僅包括憲法、制定法,判例法也可以成為有約束力的法律的一部分。
- The status of a married woman under common law. 有夫之?huà)D的身份普通法中已婚婦女的身份
- Common law has no statutory basis. 習慣法沒(méi)有成文法基礎.
- The common law continues to apply. 普通法繼續適用。
- Hong Kong adopted the common law. 香港采用普通法。
- The connection between common law and Roman law. 第一節:論證英美法和羅馬法的聯(lián)系。
- The common law in Scotland is based on precedent. 蘇格蘭普通法是建立在判例體系基礎上的。
- It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny. 它是構成普通法中的盜竊罪的必要條件。
- Robbery and murder are both offences against the common law. 搶劫和謀殺都是違反普通法的。
- Under the principle of'one country,two systems',the HKSAR legal system is different from that of the Mainland,and is based on the common law. 根據"一國兩制"的原則,香港特區的法律制度以普通法為根基,與內地的制度截然不同。
- The concept of due process is rooted in English common law. 正當程序概念來(lái)源于英國的普通法。
- China is a civil law country, and every statute assumes a large body of unstated civil law theory from official and academic commentary. 中國是一個(gè)大陸法系國家,每條法規承載著(zhù)來(lái)自官方和學(xué)術(shù)注解的、龐大的大陸法理論。
- The rule of law prevails,along with our common law system. 香港仍以普通法為基礎推行法治。
- In common law, such duty is called "fiduciary duty". 在英美法上,這種義務(wù)稱(chēng)作信義義務(wù)(fiduciary duty)。
- Contract law has its sources in both common law and statute. 合同法的淵源來(lái)自于普通法和制定法。