The study investigated the cognitive conflict of the relationship between curriculum reform and the professional autonomy of teachers by applying the judgmental analysis theory. 摘要本研究以判斷分析的理論,探討九年一貫課程改革與教師專(zhuān)業(yè)自主關(guān)系的認知沖突。
The development of this teacher's pedagogical power was interpreted by a learning model in which pedagogical reasoning by analogy and pedagogical cognitive conflict interplayed. 這位初任教師教學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)的成長(cháng)是一個(gè)教學(xué)推理的類(lèi)比學(xué)習與教學(xué)認知沖突的學(xué)習之交互作用模型。