- A trend in common,like an orbit in a co ordinate,characterizes the productive forces development in the world. 生產(chǎn)力有個(gè)基本特點(diǎn) ,那就是全世界有共同的發(fā)展軌道 ,類(lèi)似于坐標上的軌跡。
- This pape r based on basic mechanical equation,transform material constants from local co ordinate to global coordinate system. 根據基本力學(xué)方程,對不同纏繞方向的纖維層材料,把不同材料坐標系下的特性參數等效變換到統一坐標系。
- Replace X and Y with your X and Y Co ordinates from the Game. 取代X和Y與您的X和Y坐標的合作從游戲。
- Another meaning of the law of value refers to its co ordination of proportional development among various productive sectors rather than its determination of commodity value. 價(jià)值規律的“另一種意義”是指它調節各部門(mén)生產(chǎn)按比例發(fā)展的趨向。 而不是講決定商品價(jià)值的問(wèn)題
- Let's put away all prejudices and co - ordinate our efforts. 咱們消除成見(jiàn),同心協(xié)力地干吧。
- Air Transportation Co ordination Office 空運協(xié)調處
- homogeneous cartesian co ordinates 齊次笛卡兒坐標
- Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co. 千代田壽險公司(日本)
- covariant co ordinate 協(xié)變坐標
- The ordinate scale is linear in decibels. 縱坐標比例尺以分貝為單位是線(xiàn)性的。
- curvilinear co ordinate system 曲線(xiàn)坐標系
- Bilingualism is a farsighted educational policy. 雙語(yǔ)體制是很有遠見(jiàn)的體制。
- rotation of co ordinate system 坐標軸的旋轉
- left handed co ordinate system 左手坐標系
- spatial co ordinate 空間坐標
- CO is not readily perceived by the human senses. 一氧化碳不易被人的感覺(jué)器官所覺(jué)察。
- This is also perfect bilingualism. 這也是完美雙語(yǔ)現象。
- Like it or not, bilingualism is here to stay. 根據英國最近的一項調查,理解英語(yǔ)時(shí)只需用左腦的顳葉,要理解華語(yǔ)卻需要同時(shí)使用左右腦的顳葉。
- We are trying to adopt bilingualism. 我們正努力推行使用雙語(yǔ)。
- I was asked to get a price reduction from your co. 我奉令來(lái)向貴公司取得降價(jià)協(xié)議。