- A grammatical choice is drawn from a closed set of options. 語(yǔ)法選擇是在有限的范圍內進(jìn)行的。
- There were close set ribosome and cavum in the cytoplasm. 細胞質(zhì)內有密布的核糖體及空腔等,空腔是由脂肪顆粒形成,多呈圓形。
- Set Based on to a value in the list. 將“基于”設為列表中的某個(gè)值。
- In this paper the JORDAN-HOLDER Theorem of transposition hyperlattice is introduced on the base of the closed set and regular of hyperlattice,and some related properties of them are also studied. 在超格的閉集合和超格的正則性的基礎上,給出了對換超格上的約當定理,并研究了一些相關(guān)的性質(zhì)。
- Because prices are set based on the value. 因為房?jì)r(jià)是以?xún)r(jià)值為基礎制定的。
- Filters the result set based on the session end result. 基于會(huì )話(huà)最終結果篩選結果集。
- The products shall be ordered on set basis, i.e., the combination of different sizes. We do not accept the reservation without the payment of the relevant purchase price. 本店的商品必須整手拿;如配碼的參考每個(gè)款式的要求來(lái)決定;不接受貨款支付前的預定.;(整手是表示從小尺碼到大尺碼的組合
- Eyes: People with deep set eyes are withdrawn,those with close set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those with bulging eyes are faithful. 眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格內斂。眼距近的人性格保守且非常自醒。眼睛鼓凸出來(lái)的人忠誠。
- The studies in this thesis not only do exploratory work of designing the MMA, but also set basis for the further investigation about the application of MMA in geophone. 本文所開(kāi)展的相關(guān)研究工作,不僅對微加速度計的開(kāi)發(fā)進(jìn)行了必要的探索,還為進(jìn)一步將微加速度計應用于地震檢波奠定了基礎。
- Eyes: People with deep set eyes are withdrawn, those with close set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those with bulging eyes are faithful. 眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格內斂。眼距近的人性格保守且非常自醒。眼睛鼓凸出來(lái)的人忠誠。
- Closer settings of lap selvedge guides. 棉卷邊緣導向器隔距太小。
- As an ideography of abundant semantic contents, the Chinese character is a closed set with limited number while the Chinese word is an open system which is unlimited. 摘要漢字是表義文字,具有豐富的語(yǔ)義內容,漢字是一個(gè)有限的封閉集,它的數目是有限的,而漢語(yǔ)的詞是一個(gè)開(kāi)放系統,它是無(wú)限的。
- Legs - Well-boned, muscular, and straight when viewed from rear with well-bent stifles, not close set but in line with forequarters. 后腿的骨骼和肌肉都很發(fā)達。從后面觀(guān)查,腿直。膝關(guān)節適當彎曲,兩腿不緊貼,但與前肢成一線(xiàn)。
- This is a closed set. 這個(gè)片場(chǎng)(拍片現場(chǎng))不對外.
- The data collection is enumerated, and the child controls are created and their properties set based on each data item. 枚舉數據集合,并創(chuàng )建子控件并根據每個(gè)數據項設置其屬性。
- Returns the set that results from filtering a specified set based on a search condition. 返回根據搜索條件對指定集進(jìn)行篩選后得到的集。
- CA-MRSA strains are notable for their ability to spread in closed settings and cause recurrent infections among healthy persons. 值得注意的是,社區獲得性甲氧西林耐藥金黃色葡萄球菌菌株能夠通過(guò)封閉的環(huán)境傳播,并能夠在健康人中引起多次感染。
- Chapter 13 details how those values are set based on the L2 destination address value. 第13章會(huì )詳術(shù)這些值是如何基于二層目的地址而設置的。
- Results The new definition of topology is consistent with the general, and based on it, the closed sets, separation and compactness are defined. 結果這種貌似離散的非標準定義與一般的拓撲定義是一致的。在此基礎上,定義了閉集、分離性及緊性,討論了閉集、分離性及緊性的一些相關(guān)性質(zhì)。
- Objective To establish a set based on the work flaw and the step laboratory monitor quality control target. 目的探索建立一套基于工作流程和步驟的實(shí)驗室監測質(zhì)量控制指標。