They say if recent trends in Pacific climate patterns persist, there is a strong chance that an El Nino pattern will emerge in the coming months. 他們說(shuō),如果最近的太平洋氣候模式一直持續下去,在未來(lái)幾個(gè)月里就極有可能出現厄爾尼諾現象。
Most climate models produce greater summertime drying over these areas as average global temperatures rise, regardless of what happens in the North Atlantic. 大多數氣候模式的計算結果顯示,無(wú)論北大西洋發(fā)生何事,這些地區在夏季時(shí)的乾旱情況,會(huì )隨全球平均氣溫的升高而加劇。