- She spooned milk into the baby's mouth. 她用湯匙把牛奶舀入嬰兒口中。
- Again and again Cindy puffed breaths into Kyla’s mouth. 辛迪就不停地往凱拉嘴里吹氣。
- As it enters MULDER's mouth, a bright light attached to it flicks on. 當他進(jìn)入莫特的嘴里的時(shí)候,一陣強光突然加在了上面。
- The main entrance yawned like a cavern’s mouth, without gate or portcullis. 是死了,還是發(fā)生了什么可怕的事情?
- cleanse one's mind of conservative ideas 滌蕩頭腦里的保守思想
- Ensure that the baby latches-on to the breast properly and most part of the areola is in the child’s mouth. 在哺乳時(shí),確保寶寶在抓乳房時(shí)動(dòng)作正確,以及大部分乳暈都在寶寶嘴里。
- K-Snake’s mouth should not curve upward, this makes the snake look friendly. Instead, it should look stern. 蛇嘴不要向上彎曲,這會(huì )讓蛇看上去很友善。事實(shí)上,應該更換,讓它看上去要兇狠點(diǎn)。
- METHODS: The influence of amalgams of different preparations and amount on streptococci mutans freshly isolated from child s mouth were compared. 方法:用體外試管法比較了不同配方和不同重量的銀汞合金對兒童口腔新分離的變鏈菌株生長(cháng)的影響。
- I showed Martin how to put his hand in the bucket and offer his fingers to the foal. He put his hand in the bucket and thrust his fingers towards the foal' s mouth. 我做給馬丁看,該怎么把手放進(jìn)桶里,再把手指伸給小馬駒。他照樣做了,然后把手指伸進(jìn)小馬駒的嘴里。
- He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time. 他每次將一?;ㄉ舆M(jìn)嘴里。
- One day, people found that there were a large number of cuttlefish’s mouths in a sperm whale’s stomach when they dissected it.So the sperm whale can’t digest the hard things. 在解剖抹香鯨時(shí),人們發(fā)現它的胃里經(jīng)常有大量烏賊嘴,它無(wú)法消化這些堅硬的東西。
- This is where we learn to stuff little pieces of bait in and out of our dog’s mouth instead of taking the time to train him to stand stoically for examination. 我們在這里學(xué)會(huì )了用誘物塞滿(mǎn)犬只的嘴巴,而不是費時(shí)費力的教它們如何保持站立姿勢、接受形態(tài)審查。
- That is why a mountain trip is supposed by the Chinese to have a cathartic effect,cleansing one's breast of a lot of foolish ambitions and unnecessary worries. 所以,中國人認為到山中去旅行一次,可以有清心寡欲的功效,使人除掉許多愚蠢的野心和不必要的煩惱。
- Boucke.“Instead of laboriously positioning a mirror at the correct angle, the surgeon merely has to introduce aflexible optical fibre into the patient’s mouth. 的激光可以通一種極細的光導纖維,外科醫生只要將柔韌的光纖放入患者的嘴中即可,取代了手術(shù)時(shí)費盡的用鏡子來(lái)定位?!?/li>
- Thousands of Hindus took a dip in keeping with the ancient belief that bathing in the river at Varanasi, especially on special occasions, cleanses one's sins. 數千名印度教徒在恒河中沐浴,他們保留著(zhù)古老的信仰,認為在瓦臘納西的恒河里沐浴,尤其是在特殊時(shí)刻,能夠洗清自己的罪惡。
- For one thing they keep the water clean. 一方面,他們可以保持水的清潔。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優(yōu)秀的跨欄選手之一。
- To shape or cleanse one's spirit 陶冶性情
- cleanse one's bosom of perilous stuff 清心寡欲