It is now possible to influence the details of the socialization of another person's child by spreading the gospel of current and fashionable theories and methods of child rearing. 目前,可以通過(guò)傳播當前盛行的經(jīng)典兒童教養理論和方法對某人的孩子進(jìn)行細致的社會(huì )化培養方面的指導。
This presentation describes the trainability of children and the research about the appropriate guidelines to follow when designing a strength training program for children. 這講座內容包括兒童訓練的能力和分享一些有關(guān)兒童何時(shí)適宜開(kāi)始力量訓練計劃的相關(guān)指引之研究報告。