- A decorative object, such as a chandelier, that gives off light. 枝形吊燈裝飾性的能發(fā)光的東西,如枝形吊燈
- The number you dialed is power off. 你撥的電話(huà)已關(guān)機。
- These planets do not give off light of their own. 這些行星本身不發(fā)光。
- Save to power off Or Press any key to reboot. 安裝完成后,按任意鍵重新啟動(dòng)系統。
- Sorry, the mobile phone you dialed is power off! 了。對不起,您撥的電話(huà)已關(guān)機!
- Sorry, the number you dialed is power off. 對不起,您所撥打的用戶(hù)已關(guān)機。
- Sorry, the subscriber you dial is power off. 您好,你所播打的電話(huà)已關(guān)機。
- Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is power off! 對不起,您所撥打的電話(huà)已關(guān)機!
- Sorry, the user you dialed is power off. 您好,您撥打的電話(huà)已關(guān)機
- The subscriber you dialed is power off. 您所撥打的用戶(hù)已關(guān)機。
- Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off. 對不起,您所撥打的電話(huà)已關(guān)機。
- Some of the things you see give off light of their own. 你看見(jiàn)的一些東西是因為它們本身發(fā)光。
- Sorry,the subscriber you dial edis power off. 機主:您好,您所撥打得電話(huà)已關(guān)機。
- Whatever gives off light is termed the source of light. 凡是能放射光的東西稱(chēng)為光源。
- Please turn the power off and reinsert the DS card. 是何解?要如何才玩到呢d游戲,請早日回覆!
- Sorry, The subscriber you dialed is power off...... 對不起;您所撥叫的用戶(hù)已關(guān)機.
- The filament gives off light when heated by an electric current. 當燈絲藉助于電流而加熱時(shí),就會(huì )發(fā)出亮光。
- When electrons are disturbed this way, they can give off light. 當電子以這種方式碰撞時(shí),它們能夠發(fā)出光。
- The president's speech about the need for saving power got home, and everyone started turning off lights. 總統關(guān)于節約用電的講話(huà)被接受了,人們開(kāi)始做`到人離燈滅了。
- Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is power off, please. 對不起,您呼叫的用戶(hù)已關(guān)機,請稍后再撥。