- Golf spread around the world with the spread of the British Empire and in the 19th century courses sprouted up in India, Ireland, Australia, Canada, South Africa and Hong Kong. 隨著(zhù)大英帝國的擴張,高爾夫運動(dòng)推廣到了全球,19世紀的時(shí)候,在印度、愛(ài)爾蘭、澳大利亞、加拿大、南非和香港,球場(chǎng)如雨后春筍般涌現出來(lái)。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面試過(guò)程中我的心跳得厲害。
- Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求將在適當時(shí)機予以處理。
- He go on a refresher course in bookkeeping. 他繼續學(xué)習筆記進(jìn)修課程。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海圖上標繪出了這艘船該走的航線(xiàn)。
- Physics has made enormous progress in this century. 本世紀物理學(xué)的發(fā)展突飛猛進(jìn)。
- The country club has a golf course. 該地區俱樂(lè )部擁有高爾夫球場(chǎng)。
- There were four major quakes in this century. 本世紀有四次大的地震。
- Tom is one of the seers in the sixteenth century. 湯姆是十六世紀的先知。
- The 20th century is drawing to an end. 20世紀即將結束。
- He delivered a course of lectures on world affairs. 他作了一系列有關(guān)世局的演講。
- We are living in the 21st century. 我們生活在21世紀。
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根據遺跡探索出該事物的進(jìn)程和發(fā)展。
- He will of course say yes to my proposal. 他一定會(huì )同意我的建議的。
- An offshoot of the family settled down on the island in the eighteenth century. 這個(gè)家族的一支旁系於十八世紀在那個(gè)島上定居下來(lái)。
- In the course of millennia the dinosaurs died out. 在幾千年的時(shí)間里,恐龍逐漸死絕了。
- The incident will blow over in course of time. 這件事過(guò)一段時(shí)間就會(huì )被忘掉的。
- This scientist lived in the nineteenth century. 這位科學(xué)家生活在十九世紀。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鮑威爾先生已經(jīng)擬定了一個(gè)總的行動(dòng)計劃。
- It happened late last century in 1895, to be exact. 事情發(fā)生在上個(gè)世紀末--準確地說(shuō),在1895年。