- The result of the study,which was carried out by a Steel Corporation in Japan,on the granulation of coke breeze by using centrifugal rolling type pelletizer is introduced. 本文介紹了國外某鋼鐵公司研究與開(kāi)發(fā)實(shí)驗室關(guān)于使用離心轉動(dòng)型造球機對燒結用焦粉制粒的研究成果。
- The system pressure had very big fluctuation during rolling process. 在軋鋼過(guò)程中系統壓力出現大幅度波動(dòng)。
- Yes,when steel product must be accurated in size and must have a smooth surface,the cold rolling process must be used. 能。如果鋼材的尺寸精度要求很高,表面必須光潔,那么就需要進(jìn)行冷軋。
- Rolling process adopts the advanced untwisted rolling device, keep wiring from twist and tension. 成卷工序采用先進(jìn)的無(wú)扭曲成卷機,保證在布線(xiàn)中無(wú)扭曲和拉伸。
- The electronic workpiece acceleration ensures the quality of the decisive start of the rolling process. 電子控制的工件驅動(dòng)裝置確保了最開(kāi)鍵的滾軋起始階段的質(zhì)量。
- Tungsten carbide can withstand the abrasive action of hot metal during the rolling process far better than cast iron. 碳化鎢耐受軋制過(guò)程中熱金屬軋件磨蝕作用的能力比鑄鐵大得多.
- Yes. when steel product must be accurated in size and must have a smooth surface, the cold rolling process be used. 能。如果鋼材的尺寸精度要求很高,表面必須光潔,那么就需要進(jìn)行冷軋。
- A brick element re-meshing technique was presented for shape-metal rolling process. 摘要提出了一種適用于型鋼軋制及其類(lèi)似過(guò)程的六面體網(wǎng)格重構方法。
- In order to meliorate efficiency, it is decided to adopt rolling process in construction. 但碾壓貧混凝土基層在國內應用較少,現行規范找不到依據。
- The results show that the grain of the strip was refined in the cold rolling process due to the DRX and DRV. 結果表明:在冷軋過(guò)程中,因動(dòng)態(tài)再結晶和動(dòng)態(tài)回復,使薄帶的晶粒進(jìn)一步得到細化。
- The influences of rolling process and impurity atoms on the texture developments were also analysed. 同時(shí)也分析了鋼板變形過(guò)程及雜質(zhì)原子對織構形成的影響。
- One of the method of curbing plate bending in jobbing sheet rolling process was researched. 研究了在中板軋制過(guò)程中抑制板坯彎曲的措施之一。
- During the cool rolling process of SUS301 stainless steel,the punctual flaws and cracks are offen observed. SUS301不銹鋼在冷軋過(guò)程中表面經(jīng)常出現點(diǎn)狀缺陷及裂紋。
- The deformative charateristics of cementite of white cast iron during the rolling process was investigated. 研究了慘碳體在白口鑄鐵軋制變形過(guò)程中的變化特點(diǎn)。
- Synopsis There are some factors that cause the formation of hot strip side-camber in the rolling process. 板帶軋制過(guò)程中因受某些因素影響會(huì )形成側彎。
- Test results of lead work-pieces verify the feasibility of rolling process and die design. 鉛試件輾壓試驗結果證明輾壓成形工藝和模具設計的可行性;
- The pores of the sintered layer are filled with a mixture of PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) and other friction-reducing additives by a rolling process. 通過(guò)壓制工藝,將PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)與其他能降低摩擦的添加劑組成的混合物填入燒結層上的細孔。
- We include the storage of the part program data in the CNC for the shortest change-over time and repeatable rolling process. 我們提供的共參數儲存在CNC系統里,保證了進(jìn)行重復定單加工時(shí)的最短更換時(shí)間。
- Rolling process in high-speed wire line can be conducted successfully without skew and twist if the line can be regulated automatically. 在高速線(xiàn)材軋制過(guò)程中,軋件易發(fā)出偏斜和扭轉,如果能夠實(shí)現自動(dòng)找正,則可保證順利軋制。
- Rolling lines are designed by rolling, moving TOX rivet of single cantilever and automatic cutting, which may be referred to similar rolling process. 設計由滾壓、單體懸臂移動(dòng)式TOX鉚接和自動(dòng)斷料等工藝流程組成的滾壓成形線(xiàn)可作為類(lèi)似滾壓工藝參考。