- Our central task at present is to mobilize the broad masses to take part in the revolutionary war,overthrow imperialism and the Kuomintang by means of such war,spread the revolution throughout the country,and drive imperialism out of China. 我們現在的中心任務(wù)是動(dòng)員廣大群眾參加革命戰爭,以革命戰爭打倒帝國主義和國民黨,把革命發(fā)展到全國去,把帝國主義趕出中國去。
- Our central task at present is to mobilize the broad masses to take part in the revolutionary war, overthrow imperialism and the Kuomintang by means of such war, spread the revolution throughout the country, and drive imperialism out of China. 我們現在的中心任務(wù)是動(dòng)員廣大群眾參加革命戰爭,以革命戰爭打倒帝國主義和國民黨,把革命發(fā)展到全國去,把帝國主義趕出中國去。
- This is the most pressing task at present. 這是當前最急迫的任務(wù)。
- At present,our central task concerning the nationalities is to work for unity and end estrangement. 現在我們民族工作的中心任務(wù)是搞好團結,消除隔閡。
- The central task of the factory at present is to improve the quality of its products. 工廠(chǎng)當前的中心任務(wù)是提高生產(chǎn)質(zhì)量。
- At present, our central task concerning the nationalities is to work for unity and end estrangement. 現在我們民族工作的中心任務(wù)是搞好團結,消除隔閡。
- Our main task at present is to enhance our efficiency. 目前我們主要的任務(wù)是提高效率。
- Fighting against corruption is an extremely urgent task at present. 反腐敗是當前迫在眉睫的任務(wù)。
- Our main task at present is to raise our efficiency. 目前我們主要的任務(wù)是提高效率。
- What is our main task at present and for a fairly long time to come? 我們當前以及今后相當長(cháng)一個(gè)歷史時(shí)期的主要任務(wù)是什么?
- In any given place,there cannot be a number of central tasks at the same time. 在任何一個(gè)地區內,不能同時(shí)有許多中心工作。
- the central task at present 當前的中心任務(wù)
- In any given place, there cannot be a number of central tasks at the same time. 在任何一個(gè)地區內,不能同時(shí)有許多中心工作。
- The exposure and criticism of the Gang of Four is the key task at present and will be so for some time to come. 揭批“四人幫”,是當前和今后一個(gè)時(shí)期各項工作的綱。
- To accomplish the management of computerizing file or data in hospital is an important and urgent task at present. 實(shí)現醫院科技檔案信息化管理,是當前醫院科技檔案管理部門(mén)的一項重要而緊迫的任務(wù)。
- This article discusses the combination of college English Web teaching style and constructivism is a top priority task at present. 摘要本文論述將大學(xué)英語(yǔ)網(wǎng)絡(luò )教學(xué)模式與建構主義學(xué)習理論相結合,找到它們的契合點(diǎn)是當今大學(xué)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)的當務(wù)之急。
- So far as the structure of management is concerned,the most important task at present is to strengthen the work responsibility system. 在管理制度上,當前要特別注意加強責任制。
- So far as the structure of management is concerned, the most important task at present is to strengthen the work responsibility system. 在管理制度上,當前要特別注意加強責任制。
- Above all, state-owned commercial bank should carry out asset-liability ratio management actively and initiatively, and this is one of main tasks at present. 而且,對國有商業(yè)銀行來(lái)說(shuō),結合“三性”原則積極主動(dòng)實(shí)行資產(chǎn)負債比例管理,是當前工作的當務(wù)之急。
- Don't stress minor issues at the expense of the central task. 不要因次要問(wèn)題而沖淡了中心任務(wù)。