- The key point of Grand pressure law on working face of seam top coal caving method,the method of dealing with them,firstly caving and end caving of working face roof control are discussed. 論述了中厚煤層綜采放頂煤工作面礦壓顯現規律和頂板管理的特點(diǎn),指出了綜放工作面頂板管理的方法,以及工作面初采、收作時(shí)頂板管理的要點(diǎn)。
- Sublevel Mechanized caving method shows the characteristics of high out-put,more dust sources,high dust concentration and difficult to control. 煤礦綜采放頂煤工作面開(kāi)采強度大、產(chǎn)塵塵源多、粉塵濃度高,因而對塵毒的治理難度大。
- Feasible drawing interval is the basis to study mining equipment of fully-mechanize coal mining with caving method. 綜放開(kāi)采的合理放煤步距是研制綜放工作面成套技術(shù)裝備的基礎,是提高綜放工作面采出率與煤質(zhì)的關(guān)鍵之一。
- The Analysis on Roof Control of Working Face of Medium-thickness Coal Seam Comprehensive Mechanized Top Coal Caving Method 中厚煤層綜采放頂煤工作面頂板管理
- Tonkuangyu Copper Mine sets up a set of simple and convenient monitoring system of orebody caving state in the mine stope to use block caving method. 銅礦峪銅礦在自然崩落法采場(chǎng)中,建立了一整套簡(jiǎn)便易行的礦體崩落狀態(tài)監測系統。
- After wherefrom, I also dare be not put on the net again shared, because do not have method control at all. 從那之后,我再也不敢將自己的照片放在網(wǎng)上分享了,因為根本沒(méi)有辦法控制?!?/li>
- The paper is of important instructive importance to reduce loss and depletion by sublevel caving method without sill pilla... 并對今后無(wú)底柱分段崩落法降低損失貧化具有重要的指導意義。
- To simulate the problem,a numerical analysis method,FLAC3D is applied to analysis the depressurization range of sublevel caving method. 應用FLAC3D對分段崩落法的卸壓范圍進(jìn)行了數值分析,據此確定出適于卸壓的采場(chǎng)結構,由此形成了無(wú)底柱分段崩落法開(kāi)采傾斜礦體的卸壓開(kāi)采方案。
- Under composite roof inthe No.2 seamof Tunlan mine,bolt-rope strenthenningsupporttechnique is utilized to control roof ad decrease rock pressure,which has achieved good economic bene-fit. 介紹了屯蘭礦在2號煤層復合頂板條件下,采用錨索補強支護技術(shù),有效地控制了巷道頂板離層,減輕了礦山壓力顯現現象,取得了較好的經(jīng)濟效益。
- Central caving method in full-mechanized face under hard roof 堅硬頂板條件下綜采工作面中部放頂的方法
- On the basis of industry test,this paper analyses mining feasibility of applying roadway caving method and caving broken mechanism in high gas steeply indined medium coal seams. 在工業(yè)性試驗的基礎上,分析了在高瓦斯急傾斜中厚煤層中應用巷道放頂煤法開(kāi)采的可行性和頂煤的破碎機理。
- In light of the characteristics of Nonpillar sublevel caving method,Probability integral method is used to predict mining subsidence and modified to improve predicting accuracy. 針對無(wú)底柱分段崩落法的采礦特點(diǎn),把概率積分法引入金屬礦山開(kāi)采沉陷預測中,并通過(guò)模型修正提高預測精度。
- The rockfall hazard will take place inevitably under the condition of steeper hillside after ground collapse or cave to ground surface caused by exploitation with caving method. 摘要在山體下進(jìn)行崩落開(kāi)采崩通或塌陷到地表時(shí),在陡峭的山體地形條件下將不可避免地產(chǎn)生滾石災害。
- Analysis on roof rock properties to select top coal caving method 分析頂板巖性選擇放頂方式
- Most of mines whore a pillarlcss sublcvcl caving method is introduced experience ground pressure, as manifested by deformation and damage of mining entrances and connecting slots. 在使用無(wú)底柱分段崩落法的礦山,大都存在著(zhù)地壓現象。其主要表現是采礦進(jìn)路和聯(lián)絡(luò )道的變形破壞。
- The present results show that chemical combined mechanical methods control weed well than other practices. 現有的研究表明,化學(xué)與機械結合的防治措施能更好地控制雜草;
- Controlling roof accidents and preventing the occurrence of bursting underground pressure are the priorities and difficulties to mine deeper isolated pillar face. 控制頂板事故,防范沖擊礦壓的發(fā)生是開(kāi)采埋深較大的孤島煤柱工作面的重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn)。
- As the first successful introduction of natural caving method in domestic nonferrous metal mine,Tongkuangyu Mine increases production capacity and reduces production costs. 銅礦峪礦作為國內第一個(gè)成功引進(jìn)自然崩落法技術(shù)的有色金屬礦山,提高了礦山生產(chǎn)能力,降低了生產(chǎn)成本。
- This paper analyses the reasons for the gob fire of the face with fully mechanized mining caving method in free burning seam and gives the gob fire eradication means. 分析了王營(yíng)礦極易自燃煤層綜放工作面采空區自燃發(fā)火的原因,提出了防治措施。
- Taking gas control of workface as example, this paper introduces high break exhaust roadway, coal seam driling pre - exhanst and exhaust of coal seam end roadway,comprehansive method control gas. 以綜采工作面瓦斯治理方法為例,介紹了在高瓦斯地質(zhì)條件下所采取的高位裂隙抽放巷、煤層鉆孔預抽、煤層尾巷抽放等方法,綜合治理瓦斯。