The government fiscal transfer is the main source of China rural NCP financing and its fiscal cost is supportable and controllable as Sichuan NCP case study concluded. 四川的個(gè)案研究表明,實(shí)行普遍保障的非納費型養老金制度在財政成本上具有可隨性和可控性。
This article describes a nursing process, through which a home health nurse assisted a caregiver on a SCI case with complicated acute urine retention using urine catheter. 摘要本報告是描述一位第二腰椎損傷個(gè)案因急性尿潴留而使用留置導尿管,由居家護理師協(xié)助照顧者重建個(gè)案排泄型態(tài)的居家護理過(guò)程。