- We are also looking for better surveillance or warning system of short term capital flow. 我們也期望加強對短期資金流動(dòng)的監管或設立短期資金流動(dòng)警告系統。
- China's capital flow is characterized by its bidirectionalness, periodicity, riskless arbitrage and imbalance. 我國資本流動(dòng)的特征呈現出雙向、期性、風(fēng)險套利性和非均衡性。
- The ability of capital flow is an indispensable condition to maintain steadfast management of capital. 資本流動(dòng)能力是資本穩健經(jīng)營(yíng)的不可或缺的條件。
- To start with, there is not even an adequate statistical framework to capture capital flow data. 首先,我們甚至沒(méi)有適當的統計制度,以記錄資金流向數據。
- In the next section we shall ignore international capital flows. 在下一節中我們將不考慮國際資本的流量。
- The open economy has developed swiftly. Trade in commodities and services and capital flow have grown markedly. 開(kāi)放型經(jīng)濟迅速發(fā)展,商品和服務(wù)貿易、資本流動(dòng)規模顯著(zhù)擴大。
- Stock is in at the heart of stone shang shang, on the one hand, the capital overstock, make capital flow. 庫存是壓在終商商心上的一塊石頭,一方面是資金的積壓,使流動(dòng)資金減少。
- In real terms, the drop in net capital flows was even large. 按實(shí)際價(jià)值計,凈資本流入量下降更大。
- Powerful human resources flow, information flow, capital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around. 強大的人才流、信息流、資金流、貿易流全方位交匯貫通。
- The supervisal and risk defence of short-term capital flow have become more and more important and hot. 因此,對短期資本流動(dòng)所帶來(lái)的風(fēng)險進(jìn)行防范和監管已經(jīng)成為金融監管層面臨的一個(gè)日益重要和緊迫的問(wèn)題。
- With the help of FR early risk alert model,this paper builds a risk alert model for forecasting Chinese capital flow. 借鑒FR早期風(fēng)險預警模型的研究方法,建立適用于預測我國資本流動(dòng)脆弱性風(fēng)險的預警系統。
- Indeed,as the crisis wore on,there is other evidence which pointed out a systemic problem in the international capital flow. 事實(shí)上,在金融危機延續下去之際,有其他跡象顯示國際資金的流動(dòng)存在一個(gè)偶發(fā)的問(wèn)題。
- The structure of the capital flow had great influences upon currency supply, which caused the inflation and the deflation problems in the 1990s. 而資本流動(dòng)結構對我國貨幣供給量情況產(chǎn)生了巨大影響,引發(fā)了20世紀90年代的通貨膨脹和通貨緊縮問(wèn)題。
- Indeed, as the crisis wore on, there is other evidence which pointed out a systemic problem in the international capital flow. 事實(shí)上,在金融危機延續下去之際,有其他跡象顯示國際資金的流動(dòng)存在一個(gè)偶發(fā)的問(wèn)題。
- This together with their highly leveraged operation can generate short term capital flow which can be devastating to any economy. This is hardly satisfactory. 這種情況與對沖基金的主要杠桿運作會(huì )一同引發(fā)短期資金流動(dòng),對任何經(jīng)濟體系都可能有極大破壞性的影響,實(shí)非人們所樂(lè )見(jiàn)的。
- Capital flow Movement of large sums of money from one country to another to seek higher rates of return and for investment purposes. 資本流動(dòng)大筆資金在國與國之間流動(dòng)以尋求較高的回報率和較好的投資機會(huì )。
- Many have speculated that this acceleration of capital flow to China over recent years has been driven by Taiwans higher labor costs. 有些人認為近年來(lái)投資資金流向大陸是由于臺灣人力成本過(guò)高。
- Now it is experiencing how fickle international capital flows can be. 同時(shí),其國內市場(chǎng)未得到充分開(kāi)發(fā),較為疲弱。
- The world needs a less doctrinaire approach to foreign capital flows. 我們需要一種不那么教條的方法來(lái)對待外資流動(dòng)。
- Foreign capital flow, growth pole, hinterlandcompetition and government action are the main mechanism of coastal space change. 而外資流向、增長(cháng)極、腹地競爭和政府行為是引導空間結構演化的主要機制。