- The increase in nominal stress due to live load, BC, is usually small in comparison with the dead load, OA. 活載產(chǎn)生的名義應力的增量BC段與恒載產(chǎn)生的名義應力OA段相比一般是很小的。
- Conventional plane frame programs amplify the live load effect using the amplification coefficient when computing the stress of live load. 在計算活載應力時(shí),常規的平面桿系計算程序采用放大系數的近似處理方法。
- The use of hollow pots, in conjunction with reinforced concrete, reduces the dead weight and, therefore, permits a greater life load to be carried. 實(shí)心板與鋼筋混凝土梁整澆在一起,可以減少自重以便承受更多的活荷載。
- The fatigue life of railway bridge mostly lies on the constructional details of the bridge structure,characteristics of live load action effect,and times of live load actions. 鐵路橋梁結構的疲勞壽命主要取決于橋梁結構構造細節、活載作用效應特征和活載作用次數。
- This paper put forward a new pre-produced tensegrity structure,and analyzed the structure under the dead load and live load through a simulation procedure. 提出了一種新型的預制類(lèi)張拉整體結構,通過(guò)仿真的方法對結構進(jìn)行均布荷載作用下的受力分析,并根據內力分布的特點(diǎn)確定了相應的施工方法。
- To evaluate fracture instability, the total sum of stresses due to residual welding or rolling stresses, dead load, and live loads must be considered. 計算斷裂失穩性時(shí),必須考慮焊接或軋制殘余應力,恒載應力和活載應力之總和。
- The calculation of ledger maximum bending moment and deformation the even load of scaffold board and live loads above the ledger. 按照大橫桿上面的腳手板和活荷載作為均布荷載計算大橫桿的最大彎矩和變形。
- The girder's vertical stiffness is large, so the maximum deflection is only1/4200 of the span and the maximum longitudinal tensile and compressive stressgenerated by the live load is 1/4 and 1/9 of the stress generated by the dead loadrespectively. 在本文研究中,上部結構在自重、預應力和最不利活載共同作用下的最大撓度僅為跨度的 1/4200。 此外,由最不利活載引起的上部主梁的最大縱向拉應力和壓應力值,分別僅為自重相應值的 1/4 和 1/9。
- Incorporated with the three-dimensional analysis of continuous bridges, the temperature difference, prestress loss, deflection and live load are studied to compare their influences on stressing state. 認為長(cháng)期撓度和活載效應不是大跨混凝土連續梁開(kāi)裂的主要因素;
- Then the computation vertical load (dead load and live load) under the function structure endogenic force, discovers most disadvantageous group or a several group of endogenic force combination. 接著(zhù)計算豎向荷載(恒載及活荷載)作用下的結構內力, 是找出最不利的一組或幾組內力組合。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- Optional "live loaded" packing energizes the TFE braid while providing an extra tight elastomeric seal. 可供選擇的“動(dòng)負載”密封填料充分發(fā)揮編織TFE的性能,實(shí)現超級緊密的彈性密封效果。
- Occupancy loads include personnel, furniture, machinery, stored materials, and other similar items. In buildings, live loads are often regarded as a uniformly distributed loading. 使用荷載包括人、家具、機器、庫存物資和其他類(lèi)似項目。建筑物內部的活荷載常被認為是均勻分布的。
- His whole talk is calculated for effect. 他的整個(gè)談話(huà)是為了聳人聽(tīng)聞。
- The loads on a building due to its occupancy, as well as snow loads on roof surfaces, are regarded as vertical live loads. 由于有人居住使建筑物承受的荷載以及屋蓋表面上的雪荷載都是豎直活荷載。
- Multiple V-ring packing, combined with live loading, maintains packing compression under high-cycle and severe service applications. 多重V形環(huán)填料,組合動(dòng)負載,維護填料壓縮,適用于使用頻率高,環(huán)境嚴酷的應用場(chǎng)合。
- His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd. 他講的話(huà)是有意鼓動(dòng)群眾的。
- The unknown number can be calculated from the data. 通過(guò)已知數可以算出未知數。
- The loads for which a building must be designed may be classified into dead loads,vertical live loads,and lateral live loads. 設計建筑物必須考慮的荷載可分為恒載、豎直活荷載和側向活荷載。
- His remark was calculated to hurt her. 他的話(huà)是故意要傷她的。