- The ticket price includes the regulable fund?? “票價(jià)含調節資金”是這樣翻譯的嗎?
- Regulatory Fund of National Budget 四、國家預算調節基金
- The government shall build a major merchandise reserve system and establish a price regulation fund to control prices and stabilize the market. 第二十七條政府可以建立重要商品儲備制度,設立價(jià)格調節基金,調控價(jià)格,穩定市場(chǎng)。
- A family on a budget can't afford meat every day. 經(jīng)濟拮據的家庭不能每天享用肉食。
- Our budget has been pared to the bone. 我們的預算已削減到最低限度。
- Your budget figures were bang on this year. 你今年的預算數字十分準確。
- The committee approved the budget. 委員會(huì )核準該預算案。
- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 國會(huì )通過(guò)了新的教育預算。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金會(huì )捐款,慷慨解囊。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 這個(gè)工廠(chǎng)已積累了后備基金。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已籌備了一筆準備基金以防不測。
- Your budget figures were spot-on this year. 你做的本年度預算數字十分準確。
- We had to trim a lot off our travel budget. 我們當時(shí)只好大量削減旅行預算。
- Our budget needs drastic revision. 我們的預算需作重大修改。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 為籌措該基金將舉行一次募捐。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大筆養老金。
- Military budget continue to spiral. 軍費預算繼續上升。
- I think we con give the budget our full backing. 我認為我們可以完全支持這項預算。
- Prudent man always fits his standard of living to his budget. 謹慎的人總是使他的生活水平符合他的收支預算。
- A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 撫恤死難工人家屬的基金會(huì )即將建立起來(lái)。