- Haffkines vaccine哈夫金氏疫苗
- Flu/Vac(influenza vaccine)流感疫苗[生物制劑]
- freezedried BCG vaccine凍干卡介苗
- Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine卡介苗
- 生物制品的國家管理National Regulation of Biological Products
- 我國化學(xué)藥品和治療用生物制品再評價(jià)文獻的系統性分析Re-evaluation of marketed chemical drugs and biological products of therapeutic - a systematic review of literature
- 美國疾病預防控制中心正在采用疫苗安全數據系統(Vaccine Safety Datalink)開(kāi)展另一項研究。In that regard, additional research is being conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) using the Vaccine Safety Datalink.
- 鳀魚(yú)生物制品對人體血脂血糖血尿酸影響的臨床研究A clinical investigation of the level of lipids, glucose and uric acid influenced by a fish biological product
- 生物制品執法處Divisions of Biological Product Compliance
- 第一個(gè)層次目前來(lái)看是最經(jīng)濟的。預防醫學(xué)的重要發(fā)展包括牛痘接種(參閱vaccine)、抗生素、影像診斷和重視心理因素。"The first is by far the most economical. Important advances in preventive medicine include vaccination (see vaccine), antibiotics, diagnostic imaging, and recognition of psychological factors. "
- 復合生物制品compound biological product
- 獸用生物制品veterinary biological products
- 動(dòng)物生物制品Animal biological product
- 同時(shí)報送國家食品藥品監督管理局和中國藥品生物制品檢定所。And shall simultaneously submit it to both the State Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products.
- 目的:新城雞瘟病毒修飾的自體腫瘤疫苗(New Castle Disease Virus-Modified Autologous Tumor Vaccine,NDV-ATV),是新近用于臨床的腫瘤生物治療方法,但其具體作用機制尚不十分清楚。Objective: New castle disease virus-modified autologous tumor vaccine (NDV-ATV) is a kind of tumor biotherapy which has been recently used clinically. But its mechanism is still unclear.
- 反復注射生物制品Repeated injection of biological product
- 生物制品冷藏柜biologicals freezer
- 生物制品審核科biologics licensing staff
- 漁業(yè)產(chǎn)物資源與生物制品Fishery product resources and bioproducts
- 山東金粟生物制品有限公司Shandong Gold Millet Biological Products Co., Ltd.