- GENERAL PICKETT's CHARGE AT CEMETERY HILL. 南方邦聯(lián)軍隊向塞姆特堡發(fā)起攻擊。
- Acedia and put in be of course it seems that 's charge. 而另一名推銷(xiāo)員在了解這個(gè)后,卻自告奮勇地前往。
- The Amani\'shi Warrior\'s Charge ability now has a minimum range. 阿曼尼戰士的沖鋒技能現在有最小距離了。
- His wife established an overriding interest in the property against the bank 's charge on it. 她妻子確定的財產(chǎn)利益比銀行在此財產(chǎn)的抵債權更重要。
- More significant, Ramo’s charge that the current policy bureaucracy has failed us rings false. 更重要的是,雷默對于現行的官僚政策導致我們失敗的這一指控也是錯誤連連。
- A countrywoman of year of close fifty years old, how can you be on this life not to put in a road 's charge? 一個(gè)年近半百的農婦,怎么會(huì )走上這條人生不歸路呢?
- The CIO's charge was to find skilled talent at lower costs, and to identify work that was transactional and routine enough to be managed remotely. 首席技術(shù)官負責以較低的成本找到訓練有素的人才,繼而確定可有效互動(dòng)、具有適當常規程序、便于遠程管理的工作。
- When a HEV is working, the unregular frequent switch of nickel-hydrogen battery’s charge and discharge makes the current change in nonlinear law. 混合動(dòng)力汽車(chē)在行車(chē)過(guò)程中,鎳氫電池常處于充放電頻繁切換、電流變化無(wú)規律的非線(xiàn)性狀態(tài)。
- Tiger situation, hu Wei, tiger eye, tiger bravery, the tiger carries ursine waist on the back, all put in its under one's name 's charge. 虎勢,虎威,虎目,虎膽,虎背熊腰,皆歸它名下。
- Because of national influence constant evolution arrives in bureaucratism hand, and communal influence puts in a society 's charge all. 因為國家的權力常演化到官僚主義手中,而公社的權力則歸社會(huì )所有。
- Expressional is to plant return uncut jade to put in true connotation 's charge, explaining a thing square culture breath. 表現的是種返璞歸真的內涵,詮釋著(zhù)東西方的文化氣息。
- He set up in business as an insurance broker. 他開(kāi)始從事保險經(jīng)紀人的職業(yè)。
- The fulgurite after system transforms stands, person, money, thing is whole by the county farming report terminal puts in buccal management 's charge. 體制轉變后的電管站,人、財、物全部由縣農電總站歸口治理。
- Hand of torch of every Olympic Games, the torch that oneself pass, it is reassign gives you abstruse advocate appoint, still put in an individual 's charge all? 每個(gè)奧運火炬手,自己傳遞完的火炬,是交還給你奧主委,還是歸個(gè)人所有了?
- The broker buys and sells shares for others. 經(jīng)紀人替他人買(mǎi)賣(mài)股票。
- If complete not know the inside story and accord with market price, jural thinking this kind buys deed is kindness, commodity should put in Mr Wang 's charge all. 如果完全不知情且符合市場(chǎng)定價(jià),法律上認為這種購買(mǎi)行為是善意的,商品應歸王先生所有。
- From stand below " military orders shape " daystart, leading Party group of this one railway ministry begins to walk up " do not put in a road 's charge " . 從立下“軍令狀”的第一天開(kāi)始,這一屆鐵道部黨組開(kāi)始走上“不歸路”。
- The broker claimed that mining shares had moved up to a new level. 經(jīng)紀人聲稱(chēng),礦業(yè)股票的行市已上升到新的水平。
- Even if same industry is same product, also differ as a result of the subordinating relation of the enterprise, put in a mouth 's charge to do a branch at be like. 即使是同一行業(yè)同一產(chǎn)品,也由于企業(yè)的隸屬關(guān)系不同,歸口于若干部門(mén)。
- Put in hall village highway 's charge to just was repaired before long, the slop full ground inside stockaded village is, allow plant one's foot of person have no way. 歸堂村公路剛修通不久,寨內的泥漿滿(mǎn)地都是,讓人無(wú)從下腳。