- 我們得想辦法go into the house,This is the thief's house.
- 發(fā)出XML OFF命令之前不應顯示GO命令,因為XML OFF命令會(huì )將sqlcmd切換回面向行的輸出。The GO command should not appear before the XML OFF command is issued because the XML OFF command switches sqlcmd back to row-oriented output.
- 重讀“into”一詞的第一個(gè)音節to accentuate the first syllable of “into”
- Tet-offTet-off
- INTO子句目標表上列名的可選列表。Is an optional list of column names on the target table of the INTO clause.
- 這是構建switch語(yǔ)句的一種傳統方式,但break是可選的。This is the conventional way to build a switch statement, but the break is optional.
- Off病毒contagious Ecthyma
- GO模型GO model
- 不允許使用COMPUTE子句和INTO關(guān)鍵字。The COMPUTE clause, and the INTO keyword are not allowed.
- break語(yǔ)句Break statement
- ON-OFF模型ON-OFFmodel
- go是個(gè)不規則動(dòng)詞。Go is an irregular verb.
- “on-off”問(wèn)題"on-off" problem
- 第一個(gè)查詢(xún)可以包含一個(gè)INTO子句,用來(lái)創(chuàng )建容納最終結果集的表。The first query can contain an INTO clause that creates a table to hold the final result set.
- 若省略它,會(huì )繼續執行后面的case語(yǔ)句的代碼,直到遇到一個(gè)break為止。If it is missing,the code for the following case statements execute until a break is encountered.
- Go/NoGo模型Go/NoGo model
- break;//..default:語(yǔ)句;break; // ... default: statement;
- 光學(xué)傳遞函數(OFF)optical transter function(OTF)
- 在PivotTable Service中,PASSTHROUGH選項是INSERT INTO語(yǔ)句的一部分。In PivotTable Service, the PASSTHROUGH option is part of the INSERT INTO statement.