- But the majority still have a long way to go before they can completely replace their bourgeois world outlook with the proletarian world outlook. 但是就多數人來(lái)說(shuō),用無(wú)產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān)完全代替資產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān),那就還相差很遠。
- There is also a group of scientists and technicians whose bourgeois world outlook has not fundamentally changed or who are still deeply influenced by bourgeois ideology. In the midst of sharp, intense and complicated class struggle they often waver. 在科學(xué)技術(shù)人員中,也有一部分人資產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān)沒(méi)有得到根本改造,或者受到資產(chǎn)階級思想的影響比較深,在尖銳、激烈、復雜的階級斗爭中,常常搖擺不定。
- Comrade Mao Zedong urged intellectuals to become both "red and expert" and encouraged persons with a bourgeois world outlook to remould it and acquire the proletarian world outlook. 毛澤東同志提倡知識分子又紅又專(zhuān),鼓勵大家改造資產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān),樹(shù)立無(wú)產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān)。
- There are also a group of scientists and technicians whose bourgeois world outlook has not fundamentally changed or who are still deeply influenced by bourgeois ideology. In the midst of sharp,intense and complicated class struggle they often waver. 在科學(xué)技術(shù)人員中,也有一部分人資產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān)沒(méi)有得到根本改造,或者受到資產(chǎn)階級思想的影響比較深,在尖銳、激烈、復雜的階級斗爭中,常常搖擺不定。
- They must continue to remould themselves, gradually shed their bourgeois world outlook and acquire the proletarian, communist world outlook so that they can fully fit in with the needs of the new society and unite with the workers and peasants. 為了充分適應新社會(huì )的需要,為了同工人農民團結一致,知識分子必須繼續改造自己,逐步地拋棄資產(chǎn)階級的世界觀(guān)而樹(shù)立無(wú)產(chǎn)階級的、共產(chǎn)主義的世界觀(guān)。
- It requires time as well as a socialist ideological revolutionary movement for intellectuals to embrace Marxism-Leninism and transform their bourgeois world outlook into the proletarian world outlook. 知識分子接受馬克思列寧主義,把他的資產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān)改造成無(wú)產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān),這要一個(gè)過(guò)程,而且要有一個(gè)社會(huì )主義思想革命運動(dòng)。
- There are two world outlooks and two methodologies, the proletarian world outlook and methodology and the bourgeois world outlook and methodology. 有兩種世界觀(guān)、方法論:無(wú)產(chǎn)階級的世界觀(guān)、方法論和資產(chǎn)階級的世界觀(guān)、方法論。
- These comrades often cling to the bourgeois world outlook and methodology and often forget the proletarian world outlook and methodology 這些同志把資產(chǎn)階級的世界觀(guān)、方法論,經(jīng)常拿在手里;無(wú)產(chǎn)階級的世界觀(guān)、方法論,卻經(jīng)常丟在腦后。
- It all simmers down to a matter of world outlook. 歸根結底這是世界觀(guān)問(wèn)題。
- Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook. 形而上學(xué)是唯心主義世界觀(guān)的組成部分。
- There is the difference in world outlook. (三)宇宙觀(guān)的不同。
- Because we want the bourgeois intellectuals to acquire the proletarian world outlook and transform themselves into proletarian intellectuals. 就是為了要資產(chǎn)階級知識分子建立無(wú)產(chǎn)階級世界觀(guān),改造成為無(wú)產(chǎn)階級知識分子。
- The second appraisal was that the world outlook of the vast majority of intellectuals was basically bourgeois,that is,they were bourgeois intellectuals. 知識分子的大多數世界觀(guān)基本上是資產(chǎn)階級的,是資產(chǎn)階級知識分子。
- To remould one's world outlook involves arduous struggle. 改造世界觀(guān)需要進(jìn)行艱苦的斗爭。
- Here he was referring to two different world outlooks. 這里他說(shuō)的是兩種不同的宇宙觀(guān)。
- We cannot force them to accept the Marxist world outlook. 我們不能強迫這些人接受馬克思主義世界觀(guān)。
- This change in the world outlook is something fundamental. 世界觀(guān)的轉變是一個(gè)根本的轉變。
- Marxist philosophy is a scientific world outlook and methodology. 馬克思主義哲學(xué)是科學(xué)的世界觀(guān)和方法論
- We have to remould our world outlook, since times are different. 我們必須改變世界觀(guān),因為時(shí)代不同了。
- Is the Dialectical Materialist World Outlook Marx'Philosophy? 辯證唯物主義世界觀(guān)是不是馬克思的哲學(xué)?