- The Blood Line started to star her. 因主演《血緣》一片,她開(kāi)始走紅。
- A nobiliary document, stating his blood line. 高貴的證明文件詳述著(zhù)他的血統。
- The N blood line can lead BWR to improve significantly. N血統的導入可提高粗毛率;
- The characteristic of the BLA dropping blood line reflects the BLA density has close relations with its eliminational rate and restoring time. 血乳酸下降血線(xiàn)的特征,反映了血乳酸濃度與其清除速率、恢復時(shí)間有著(zhù)密切的關(guān)系。
- The S blood line can result in improvements in BWR and w8,and reducation in wy,The F and G blood line have no remarkable effect. F、G血統對粗毛率、年產(chǎn)毛量、8月齡體重未產(chǎn)生顯著(zhù)影響
- The effect of various blood line on main production performance of Bristle wool rabbits has been analysed. The blood line of Bristle wool Rabbits comes from New Zcaland Rabbits(N),SAB Rabbits(S),Franch Angora Rabbits(F) and German Angors Rabbits(G). 對粗毛型長(cháng)毛兔選育群主要生產(chǎn)性能與導入的新西蘭(N)、SAB(S)、法系安哥拉兔(F)、德系安哥拉兔血統(G)含量的多少進(jìn)行了分析。
- You will play Oran, a young man to explore the powerful ancestral blood lines and his amazing fate. 你將扮演奧蘭,一個(gè)年輕的小伙子,去探尋強大的祖系血脈和自己驚人的命運。
- Traditional values emphasise conventional family life and the continuation of blood lines. 傳統價(jià)值觀(guān)強調的是常規的家庭生活以及血脈的延續。
- The epithelium consists of high columnar cells, basophil gland cells and granule gland cells.The connective tissue is filled with fibers, blood tubes and nerves. 上、下表皮細胞可分為高柱狀細胞、弱嗜堿性腺細胞和顆粒狀腺細胞3種,結締組織中富含纖維、血管和神經(jīng)。
- New blood lines still continue to come out of the desert and there are some places like Abu Dabi in Dubai where they only breed dogs from the desert. (譯文:今天,新的血統仍然不斷從沙漠地帶向外輸送,在迪拜的阿布扎比等部分地區,人們只繁育來(lái)自沙漠的狗。
- blood line for artificial kidney 人造腎血液導管
- She was sick at the sight of the blood. 她一見(jiàn)到血就感到惡心。
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 這是血肉之軀無(wú)法忍受的。
- Where massage lose weight as a unique way of losing weight with weight loss Pape and Shutong meridians, blood lines, there is no adverse impact on the human body, has gradually been recognized. 其中按摩減肥作為一種獨特的減肥方法,既具有減肥的良好效果,又能舒通經(jīng)脈、活血行氣,對人體沒(méi)有任何不良影響,已逐漸被人們所認識。
- A haemophiliac's blood will not clot properly. 血友病患者的血液凝固不良。
- Douglas put away Collins in cold blood. 道格拉斯蓄意殺死了柯林斯。
- Blood was trickling out of a cut near his ear. 血從他耳邊的傷口往外滴。
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在氣頭上的人爭論。
- The insect bit him and drew blood from his arm. 那只昆蟲(chóng)叮在他的手臂上吸血。
- His cruelty to his children makes my blood boil. 他殘酷地對待孩子,使我非常憤怒。